Chapter 9 The Next Destination

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Kuhn Lau and Nina sat down. They put on their runners for a long, emotional run that they were about to take.

"You see, Nina, we have come here to this beloved city with one goal..."

Her legs shook violently at the inclination of his words. It would seem that one of her fears would come to fruition.

"And what...what is your goal?" She stuttered anxiously.

"Indistructo..." He continued.

Without a word, she froze as her blood moved away from her skin and muscle tissues. Her heart rate increased, and so did her breathing.

Kuhn Lau delved his hand into his pocket and took out his talisman. When he opened his hands, the amulet emitted golden rays. The aurous, yellowish-orange light shimmered so brightly that she could've mistaken it for the sun's rays.

"I believe that you're familiar with this."

She nodded as he continued, "Whoever wields this talisman has been anointed to be a Divine Guardian. Which means that Nicholas is one of the six Divine Guardians."

She failed to process the message encrypted in his words. She lowered her head and sighed.

"Nina, I know this is hard for you to digest. Please bear with me; this is necessary to ensure the earth's survival and yours."

She glanced at him, averting her puppy eyes toward his. They were big and moist. They reflected a constellation of specks that mirrored her foul spirit.

"But, sir, what can I do without him? I'm sorry, but he cannot leave! I need him. I refuse to allow another situation to separate us once more!"

Kuhn Lau took time to respond to her; he considered various ways to make her understand their situation. Fortunately, his words took root in her mind. He glanced at her smooth, delicate hands. After that, he held her left hand and tightened his grip to assure her.

"I understand your fears; I truly do. However, a looming threat is on the horizon. If Nicolas does reject this calling, then the both of you won't be alive much longer."

Once again, she glanced at the talisman as he continued.

"Slicer, our common foe, wants this talisman. He would kill you and him just to get it. There's nothing that Nicholas can do. However, if all the Guardians unite against him, we have a better chance of winning this battle."

A tear drizzled from her left eye, and she broke down. It's as if she had been burdened on the shoulders by an object of great weight.

"I thought that everything would go well for us after the Black incident. It seems fate has decided to take him away from me again."

He enveloped her with a warm, passionate embrace. She clung her fingers through his garments.

"My deepest condolences. Unfortunately, this is how things have to unfold. After curdling into a ball, Nina grabbed a tissue and expunged her tears.

"I had to tell this in person to prepare you for what was yet to come."

She looked up and glanced at him. "I understand. I will wait until he returns. Once he does, nothing will get in the way of our relationship."

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