Chapter 1: Happy ending?

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Emma POV

The ship was rocking back and forth so hard that I kept rolling on my bed. But one wave and I was on the floor. I debated on even getting up or just staying here. Eventually someone will come get me, right? But I knew that I wanted to spend the last few days of my honeymoon out on the ship.

So I quickly got changed as the ship kept rocking, which is quiet difficult if you ask me. I grabbed black pants and one of Killian’s puffy white shirts. As I was climbing the stairs I had to hold onto the railing because it was so rough. When I made it up to the deck of the ship everyone was running around like a mad man.

“Prepare for Battle Stations everyone.” I heard Killian yell but I couldn’t see him. There were so many people I couldn’t tell who was who. I walked up to the ships wheel and I found Killian there.

“What’s going on, why is everyone running around” his face looked frantic. He kept yelling orders to Smee who was making sure everything was being carried out.

“We are under attack. Emma I want you to go to our room, grab a sword, and stay there. Don’t come out until I get you alright” I nod my head and run to our room. I grabbed the sword that Killian always leaves under his desk and sat on our bed.

I looked in the back window and I saw a huge black ship coming up fast. If there crew is anything like there ship, we are in trouble. I knew the Jolly Roger was fast but damn they’re catching up so fast we have nowhere to go.

The next thing I know I hear chanting and then more footsteps than usual. They must be on the ship now. I can’t be down here; if they search down here I have nowhere to go.

Only after minutes of hearing all the screaming it comes to a stop. I know that can’t be good. So I go up the stairs and try to be as quite as I can but as soon as I open the door they all turn around.

“Who do we have here? A Princess perhaps” I’m not sure who said it but all the new pirates laughed. I looked around and our whole crew is tied up. I franticly look around for Killian and I see him tied up kneeling in front of someone.

As I look to see who it is, they look oddly familiar. Then I remembered, Black Beard. He recognizes me because as soon as he said that he started walking over to me. I didn’t have any time to react before he slapped me. His hand hit my face so hard I fell to the ground. Killian yelled at him to leave me alone but alas he didn’t.

He picked me up by me hair and had his men tie me to the mast. I couldn’t see anyone or anything and I knew that coming out was a bad idea. But I couldn’t just sit there and do nothing. It was all silent until I heard a whip crack. I didn’t have time to process because as soon as I heard it, I felt immense pain. I screamed so loud and I could hear Killian pleading with him.

“She embarrassed me in front of my crew she has to pay. 20 lashes for her and then overboard she goes” 

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