|2| *holiday special*

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Hey Bakubabe" Camie said looking at Bakugo as she and him were holding hands walking towards the Christmas tree.

"Yes Cam-Cam?," he replied looking at her in the eyes.

"Would. You. Like. To-"Camie said stopping the walk and looking him in the eyes getting closer to his face.

Bakugo thought she was about to kiss him. Emphasis on thought.

"-Get some bread?" Camie asked.

"Um Bakubae, what are you doing?" Camie asked once more seeing Bakugo inch so close to her face.

"Come onnnn, bitch, just lean in!!! Let me have this please, Cam-Cam!" Bakugo begged.

Wow, that surprised Camie, never did she expect a tough guy like him to beg.

"Well then you are going to have to catch me first!" Camie said giggling while running toward the huge tree.

"Hey-wait you little bastard-I mean cute ass girl!" Bakugo cursed while running for her.

Turn of events, I think they both got lost while running.

Bakugo ended up in a retail store and Camie ended up near someones UBER ride.

Camie called Bakugo to find out where they were. She was a little worried, especially being out that late. 

"Hey Bakubabe, where the fuck-fucking-tast-fam are you?" Camie asked shaking her phone a bit. Living with Bakugo makes you pick up that language, every now and then if you hear Camie mess up you can hear her mutter 'oh fuck'.  "I am near a UBER thats about to leave, Im not in it though, no worries." 

"Oh, okay Camie stay there, somehow I ended up in a Lord and Taylor store. WHY THE FRICK IS IT HERE? ITS AN AMERICAN BRAND!" Bakugo screamed in the phone.  [ fourth wall break most recommended ]

Everyone in that store looked at him in confusion.

"Mister, do you need a fitting? May be hard with the meat on the bone. [ danganronpa fans squealing ]

"I am going to come to you, are you near any store?" Bakugo asked taking his free hand, swatting the lady in the store.

"Oww... Uhm, I am near a Beavertails." Camie spoke into the phone. The UBER ride pulled off.

"Ok stay safe...THATS A CANADIAN BRAND, HOW THE HELL?" Bakugo screamed in the phone.

"Owie. Okie bai." Camie responded, rubbing her ears from her loud mouthed boyfriend.

"Bye!" Bakugo said hanging up. Rushing out the store, looking sus as hell not buying anything. 

He managed to see where Camie was, and when he go closer saw her waving her hand. 

"Camie, I already know where you were, lmao, no need to keep waving!" Bakugo hushed.

"Oh right, its so cold out here that my brain froze." Camie said hugging to Bakugo's left arm.

"Here." Bakugo comforted handing her his hat and scarf. [ ha you thought it would be his jacket right? ]

"Aw thanks, never knew Bakubae was sucha softie to be honest..." Camie observed. 

"EY SSHADUP! you know. nothing" Bakugo exclaimed.

"Owie, ok okay, lets walk to the tree before your rip off my ears. Again..." Camie stated smiling.

They walked with their heavy boots through snow. This is one odd Christmas. I digress.

Bakugo and Camie were right near the tree. As they saw someone...

"Donate?" a woman asked, sitting on the floor, dirty.

"Sure-" Camie was about to reply

"No--its a beggar...I skip" Bakugo murmured to Camie.

"yeah so? don't you beg for me and I give in?" Camie replied to Bakugo with said. Bakugo stood quiet.

"Exactly, your comment was irrelevant." Camie said to the red Bakugo rolling her eyes. She said that shit loud in public too, lmao.

Camie pulled 50$ dollars from her wallet and handed to it to the woman. "Oh thank you, bless the both of you. Wish you the best of luck. Happy Holidays!" she said.

"Happy Holiday back to you!" Camie exclaimed, and then turned around to see Bakugo. 






Camie jumped on Bakugo's back with her phone and screamed "SELFIE"

"Get off of...MEEE!" Bakugo raged.

"Okay, Okay, at least I got the picture.




While they are now back home on the couch..

"What did we learn today?" Camie asked.

"Don't run off in the cold, dark?" Bakugo replied.

"No, don't eat bread." Camie added with a wide smile.

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