So why I wrote this ig

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So...uh today I had a project due in my ELA class, I was suppose to pick one of my favorite Christmas Song or poem or whatever and then add a scary twist or whatever tf she wanted me to do. Anyways I did that, this story is the first version I made but sadly I had to delete it because 

1. It wasn't scary

2. It makes me seem like psychopath

3. It wasn't considered "pg 13"🙄

What the story's about: okay so Paul McCartney is a witch (because why tf not) and him and Linda are running a cult that want to ruin the town of Buddy Holly that's David Bowie is the mayor of and if anyone does something bad that they should go to jail for, they obviously go to jail (duh) BUT they have to listen to Yoko's "singing" and uh John Lennon is Willy Wonka in the story, I already gave a lot of the story away so this will include whatever page this is- None human author 

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