The Pictures

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The police had search the girl's house and room, and had found pictures and drawings of birds,owls, and wolves. But, the thing that shocked the police more was a painting of a Big Black Owl, that was under her bed. They questioned the mother and had asked, what this Owl represented, and why did she painted it.
Officer Abe Wilson: "My name is Abe Wilson, would you please tell us your name?"
Mother: "My Name is Catalina."
Officer Abe Wilson: "Okay, Catalina, I'm gonna ask you a couple Questions, if that is alright with you?"
Catalina: "I don't mind."
Officer Abe Wilson: "Why did your  daughter paint this Owl?"
Catalina: "She kept having dreams about this Owl."
Officer Abe Wilson: "Did she name this Owl?"
Catalina: "She had never told me. But she would tell me that it was her guardian."
Officer Abe Wilson: "Where were you that night, on the day she went missing?"
Catalina: "I had fallen asleep, told her I was going to rest my head for a little bit. Until I woke up and heard loud flapping noises coming from outside the house, as if they were, flying around the house in a big circle. I ran outside and it was gone, so was my daughter."
Officer Abe Wilson:"What did you do after she had disappeared?"
Catalina:"I ran back in the house and had called my sister Mary. I told her what happened and she called others and told them what happened. I ran door to door and asked if they had seen my daughter, but they all had said no. But, some of the neighbors had help me with the search for her. Until, one of the neighbors had found she phone on the side of the road."
Officer Abe Wilson: "How would you know if it was her phone?"
Catalina: "The cracks on the phone and the wallpaper, the wallpaper on the phone is a picture of her."
Officer Abe Wilson: "I think that's enough info we need for now, thank you for your time, Catalina. We'll make sure to let you know if we find her."
Catalina: "Thank you."

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