In some ways the party is the best way to sell. And also to make mistakes. From earlier in the week of watching the movie to this.. its completely different. I know i know i am single but i used this sort of feelings to do this and of all people i shouldn't have. But there was nothing i could do about it now.

Few hours earlier...
"Everything relies on this party" victor said. "Sell the lot."
He was always blunt about it. I was alone to do my part. Juliet had been paired with sid. Either way there was no arguing with him.
So getting prepared for it was in full swing as at last the party had started and i spotted ollie.
"Hey surprised to bump into you" i smiled.
"Oh hi" he said. "Just looking for juliet".
"I can help you if i like" i said.
"Well actually.. it's more.." he trails off looking at the bag. "You too?"
"Let's just say i need to be rid of these so two on the house for you" i shrugged.
"Great thanks here you deserve it" he hands me a 10 pound note.
"Enjoy the party" i smiled. Really i only gave him it since i really thought he need something to help him enjoy the party and nothing serious. I never saw him again after that or juliet. However i saw sid. Finally i could get him alone.
"Hi" i shouted to him over the music. "some party right?"
"Yeah you seen juliet?" He asks and i hold back my sigh.
"No although ollie was also looking for her" i said.
"Thanks i will find her." He shrugs.
"How you been getting on with your selling?"
"Well.. ollie is the only one i got so far and i guess a few other still a bit to go but yeah" i tell him. "You?"
"Yeah it's going ok.." he says. "Anyway lets not worry about any of that i will be right back."
Random but ok. I stayed on my own a bit and felt lonely. I know juliet is my friend but everyone seemed to only be looking for her. Maybe i should go home. If only i did.
I looked down in my bag and took out a bag.
No this is not me my head tells me.
But on the other hand my head says maybe one time thing and you never have to again.
I take out two bags and use everything in them. It's not like it will hurt me.
With in minutes i feel the edge taken off. No wonder it's taken at parties i started to smile and join in with everyone else and at some point left and went to go back home but the saw jordan.
"Oh so your out then are you?" I asked him.
"And what makes you so confident" he said and wipes his eyes.
"Is something wrong?" I looked at him.
"Oh you know my cousin was the one who grassed on me, i hate him.. he had no reason to do that i am family!" He snarled.
"Is that why your crying?" I said and sit with him.
"You don't understand do you, i want my spot back so i had to find the grass for victor i saved his life. And instead had victor hurt me i thought he would kill me lottie!" He snapped.
"Ok ok" i sighed. "Your going through sh.. i mean i alot"
"Yeah i was kicked out of leela's" he looks up to the flats.
"All this is one day" i put my hand on his. "Things will get better."
Without knowing i was kissing jordan and he was kissing me back. We both headed to auntie di's flat while everyone was out to do more.

Which is where i am now. I look at my phone and the drugs were starting to wear off. I couldn't remember the last few things i did.  That's was until jordan walked in.
"Who knew you were that good" he smiled and had a towel round him.
"I was.. what?" I looked at him confused.
"Don't act like you forgot" he laughs. "We slept together lottie".
And yeah that's all what i meant before.
"Come on it's not a bad thing unless you have a boyfriend?"
"I don't i have feelings for someone, it's easy for you to pull anyone i have been trying to get him to notice me for ages and yet he is obsessed with her.. and truth is she is not interested in her!" I blurt.
"Sid" he says suddenly.
"Of course it is" i nod then my phone rings. "I am going to get this"
I walk out my room and breathed hard. Why did i feel so panicky a moment ago? I answered the call.
"Lottie.." juliets voice was filled in my ear.
"Hey what's up?" I spoke more softly hearing like she had been crying. "I have ruined everything".
"Hold on where are you?" I asked her.
"At home it's just me now" she sobs. I never heard her cry before but i had to know what's wrong.

I get to juliets and see her crying on the sofa.
"What happened?" I hugged her and she falls on to me crying.
"I lost peri twice" she says when she can finally talk. "She found out i dealed drugs some how and then found me here with ollie.. i slept with him".
"You did what" i looked at her surprised.
"I know it was a stupid mistake while taking ket.. i wanted to feel something you understand?" She asks me.
"Of course i do i took some too.." i sighed. "Lets just say your not the only one who made a mistake."
"Why? What did you do?" She looks at me.
"I slept with jordan" i said and her eyes widened.

Charlotte DrinkwellWhere stories live. Discover now