Our Place

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AN: I'm dedicating this fluff to perawathirst. 😘

"P'Arthit, come here! Try this one. It's leather and I like this color."

I look across the showroom to where Kongpob is excitedly bouncing up and down like a kid. His hand is running up and down the armrest, admiring the leather of the said sofa. If anyone sees how excited he is right now, you would think he is shopping for a Lamborghini or Ferrari instead of a few pieces of furniture.

Yes, we're shopping for furniture. After being together for five years going on six, we've finally decided to take the next step. We've decided to move in together. A place we can call "our place." After missing and waiting for him to finish his studies for two years, I was done with waiting. I just didn't want to be apart from him anymore but at the same time, like always, I was too embarrassed to say anything. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to see him every day, but that sounded awfully clingy. Yet, that's what I really wanted. Luckily, Kongpob felt the same and he asked if we should move in together. And of course you already know what my answer was. I mean, why else would we be here.

So, here we are, trying to fill our new empty condo with a few pieces of key furniture.

Kongpob beams at me with his bright smile as I approached him. "How much is this one?" I try to look around for the price tag.

"The quality is very good, P'Arthit. Sit down and try it first." Kongpob pulls me by my hand that is tucked inside my jean pocket and makes me sit down next to him.

"I can tell this is out of our budget just by the way you are avoiding my question, Kongpob."

Kongpob sheepishly looks away while I lean back onto the sofa. It is indeed very comfortable, I'll admit that. I can tell it's expensive just by the feel of the soft leather even without Kongpob telling me the price.

"Well, maybe we can pick a cheaper coffee table. Just think about it, P'Arthit. If we spend a little more on a good quality sofa, then we can keep it for many years. Maybe even after we get married."

"Kongpob!" I look around the store to see if anyone is paying us any attention.

"Fine. We can still get a new sofa when we get married. So wasteful." Kongpob shakes his head.

"Aish." I slap on Kongpob's arm and he just laughs harder. He's seriously never tired of teasing me. I swear I can feel the flush on my face but I can't help feeling a little giddy inside. Marriage is still a bit far away for us but we've touched on the subject.

Getting to this point of our relationship was no easy feat. We have truly supportive friends but meeting both our parents was extremely nerve wracking with him as the only son, and me as the only child. Fortunately, we got through that too. But aside from friends and family, I'm still a bit awkward and shy. The old me would have bolted from this store already. I'm just not comfortable with too much PDA.

I still have to tell myself sometimes that I shouldn't care about what other people think or say because they have nothing to do with us, but Kongpob has also gotten more brazen these days. I think he purposely pushes my limits just to see what I would do but he's usually careful not to go overboard. And I'm very proud to say that I've managed to surprise him a few times.

"Stop spewing nonsense. All we've picked out so far is the dining set. At this rate, we'll just be sleeping on the floor."

"That's alright with me, P'Arthit. I like sleeping on top of you." Kongpob winks at me with a mischievous smirk.

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