Chapter: 4 What did you say?

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I don't know what was happening to me cause all I feel is my body numb and I can't move. All my surroundings was pitch black.
Anyways I tried to move , I tried again and again but without luck I couldn't so I just laid there and started thinking of what happened in my life. I shouted, screamed, cried, but all I did was in vain cause no one is there that could hear me and I lost hope eventually.
Why is this happening to me ? I don't know to be honest.
But then suddenly there is a light coming . The light was so bright that I have to close my eyes from its brightness . Then I heard the very angelic laugh I ever heard. I looked up and there was a beautiful lady that have the same eyes color as mine. Her hair was so beautiful. I kept on staring at her eyes and then she seemed to realize that I was staring at her , so she stopped laughing and looked at me.
"Hello child , it has been a long time now since we met. I was really excited that I am meeting you in person finally. I have kept track of what was happening in your life . I always looked upon you from here. But now isn't the time for that, I came to tell you that your life is in danger. You are special and unique. You are not like others , you have got powers and you could use them at anytime . But I warn that if you are to use these powers they are going to drain your energy thats why i suggest you control yourself and your emotions cause these powers are so dangerous and powerful they could either be the key for a bright future or the end of bloody one. So here you have the option to choose . I know you will make the right choice. And for any information you could ask your wolf . I have talked to her about everything already. Bye for now child , see you soon " the beautiful women said.
Although I didn't know who she is or why she was talking to me, I have felt that she is trustworthy. I don't know what she .want with powers and all but I guess I will have a long chat to do with Reka. I just wish that
everything goes the right way and go back to my house. It has been boring and painful sitting here with these rogues. I tried
To open my eyes but the the bright light mad me squeeze shut as soon as i opened them. After I don't know how much trials i was able to open them again and adjusted to the blinding light. I tried to move but suddenly I felt a strong power surging through my veins. It was a nice feeling. I also checked if Reka was here and thankfully she was. I lectured her that sh shouldn't leave without telling me because she got me worried after 10 minutes of her apologizing I finally forgave her since I can't be mad at her for long. I was happy to have her back and talking to her about random stuff that I forgot my surroundings then suddenly I heard a high pitched snap that made me come back to reality. The blonde bamboo that used to inject me with wolfspane was screaming at me to have my attention. Sorry blonde but I don't care about you and your speech. I guess ignoring her was making her angrier by the second so I decided to play with her a bit.
"Hi blonde, sorryfpr if ignoring you but your voice was so scratchy and your speech is boring." I said.
She just looked at me with a red angry and embarrassed face and told me."Who do you think yourself is for god sake you should bite your tongue and not reply to the people who are more powerful than you. I can end you in any second. You brat"
After lashing at me she left and told me she will be back soon. I wanted to laugh hard after seeing her reaction but I stopped myself. She thinks she is more powerful. That was funny.
The next day was the same as the previous days but I feel mybpowers are getting stronger. Maybe I will be able to escape soon.

Sorry for not being to undate soon. I was and still I am busy with school and exams. My whole day is packed I literally don't have time to relax. Anyways I hope you read this chapter. I will try to write more chapters soon. Thank you :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2021 ⏰

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