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Izuku pov
Me and my mom were brainstorming on ways I could get money. "maybe you can help the neighbors" my mom said. "mom I'm pregnant you really want me out there doing labor work" I said as I rolled my eyes. "my bad". "wait my do you still have that guitar that you got my for my birthday " I asked her. Her face seemed to beam at my question. "yea I do it's in the closet down the hall, anyway what are you gonna do with it" she asked.

"you see I've been writing songs to help get my feeling out there and so maybe if I post them on YouTube I can get some money" I explained. "that sounds amazing hunny". "thx mom" I said as I hugged her and ran off. I went down the hall until I was at the closet door. I opened and saw my electro-acoustic guitar. I quickly grabbed it and ran into my room.

I grabbed my MacBook, notebook, and camera then went to sit down near my desk. I opened up my laptop and went to YouTube. I made a YouTube account named Melody. 'hopefully it's not a cringey name' I thought. I made sure to block kacchan so he couldn't see my videos. I put on a mask that covered half my face so that people wouldn't recognize me. I set up my camera and grabbed my guitar in hand.

I looked over my lyrics as I played the rhythm until I felt comfortable with it. When I was finally ready I turned on my camera and got ready.

"Hi my name is melody and I will be sharing with you a song a wrote. This is very special because I write songs as an escape from my feelings. Especially with all the stuff I've been going through. Anyways I'm gonna stop talking now, I hope you enjoy it" I said.

(A/N: you should start the song ps in bold means he is singing)

"baby I don't feel so good", six words you never understood
"i'll never let you go", five words you'll never say
I laugh along like nothing's wrong, four days have never felt so long
If three's a crowd and two was us, one slipped away

I just wanna make you feel okay
But All you do is look the other way
I can't tell you how much I wish I didn't stay
I just kinda wish you were gay

Is there a reason we're not through?
Is there 12-step just for you?
Our conversations all in blue
11 "heys"
Nine times, you never made it there
I ate alone at seven, you were six minutes away

How am I supposed to make you fell okay
When all you do is look the other way
I can't tell you how much I wish I didn't stay
I just kinda wish you were gay

To spare my pride
To give your lack of interest, an explanation
Don't say I'm not your type
Just say that I'm not your preferred sexual orientation
I'm so selfish
But you make me fell helpless, yeah
And I can't stand another day
Stand another day

I just wanna make you feel okay
But all you do is look the other day,hmm
I can't tell you how much I wish I didn't say
I just kinda wish you were gay
I just kinda wish you were gay
I just kinda wish you were gay. With the last stroke of his guitar string I took a deep breath. I wiped away my unnoticed tears that was streaming down my face. I looked up at the camera and smiled with my eyes becaus they couldn't see half of my face.

"i hope you enjoyed this and I hope to see you in another video, byeeee," I said as I reached for the camera to shut it off. I got straight to work on uploading my video to my computer and editing it. 'thank go I took computer classes in my free time' I thought.

(time skip to when he was finished with everything)

I let out a huge sigh relieved that I'm finally finished. The video was then uploaded on my account. Suddenly, I felt really sick afterward so I went to go lay down. My heart starting burning causing more pain added to my body. "mom do you have any ibuprofen" I yelled. "yea baby they're on the counter in my room" she yelled back. 'fuck' I thought not wanting to get up. I got up anyway heading to her room. Once I was inside I grabbed the medicine and heading back to my room.

I took the medicine and laid down. Although my mom said I need to exercise more I was just super tired. Next thing I know I ended up falling asleep

(time skip to when he got up)

When I got up I went to go check my MacBook to see how I'm doing on my new video. When I got on there I saw I had 100k new subs and over 500k views. 'what the heck' I thought. I then went to go read the comments. "this is amazing, pls post more", " I hope you get better and pls upload more", "wow your voice is so magical" it said. "WHAT THE FUCK" I yelled. My mom soon came bursting through the door. " What's wrong sweety are you alright," she said worriedly. "mom come look," I said as I pointed to my computer. "OMG MY BABY IS FAMOUS" she said jumping up and down.

"I KNOW RIGHT" I said also jumping down. Sadly I ended feeling sick and running to the bathroom to puke my guts out. 'this is an amazing start" I thought.

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