Fabricated A Love Story? (News At Teh End)

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You thought it was 200 Followers Special but it was me, A MOMO X IZUKU ONE SHOT CHAPTER!

Anyways, this will be a filler like the one that I did with Shoko but with a different outcome, it will have the same type of introduction yadayada but with new types of things. (Keep in mind, I know I am recycling old ideas, but I will stop this entirely when I complete all of the 1-A Girls. The other girls have to wait) Enjoy!

Midoriya's POV:

As I saw Aizawa-Sensei walk into the room with Midnight, he looks like he's gonna tell something and it seems like it isn't good aswell.

"Okay class...today Midnight will tell you something...so lead me out of this.." As usual Aizawa-Sensei goes to his yellow sleeping bag and sleeps. As Midnight goes to my table and blushed brightly "So~ might I guess everyone has a crush on this green haired cinnamon bun" As she said that I instantly blushed even more but I noticed that outside the classroom I still heard it then I saw Midnight having those microphone earphone "M-Midnight-Sensei-" He instantly gets cut off "Whoever catches the cinnamon roll will get to have fun with him~ he has only 5 minutes to find a place to hide. Timer starts now!" Midnight then licks her lips as she looks at me. I gulped all of my saliva as the girls were looking at me "W-W-Well I'M OFF!!" When I rushed out the classroom, I suddenly saw all of the U.A girls, this made me sweat as I then slowly started speeding up "NIGURANDAYO!"

No One's POV:

"Where is that damn nerd.." Kacchan was kicking down every boy bathroom stall "You know Bakugo... This is completely irrational.. Why are we even sticking together..?" A tsk can be heard when Shoko spoke "Isn't it bloody obvious you damn Half N Half, if we catch him together, he can't escape and we can have a date with him both. See where I'm going with this?" She then kicked the last stall as she sighed in frustration.

Meanwhile, a certain girl was holding something. She was hiding it with her other arm. It was making a beeping sound as she was coming close to something important. She then looked forward as she was coming to an end as the beeping sound became louder and louder "And... Right here" She stood infront of a janitor's closet. A certain cinnamon roll was hiding here.

Midoriya's POV:

I was currently inside the locker of the janitor's closet. It's the most perfect hiding spot because nobody dares to go here.... Well except for the janitor and some students who were to clean their room every now and then.

I then heard the door of the janitor's closet open 'I-Impossible! That's so impossible!' I suddenly hear beeping sounds... Did I get tracked?! I then look at my uniform and sure enough, a red beeping device was planted on it "Midoriya-kun, please come out. The game is over now because I found you first" A female voice said. It's over

No One's POV:

Suddenly Midoriya came out of the closet. He then saw who that female was. It was Momo. She was holding a tracking device on hand as she turned it off and removed the gadget from Midoriya's uniform "W-W-Well played Yaoyoruzu-san... B-But how did you put it there in the first place" Momo then his the tracking device "Well-"


As Midnight told the thing she wanted to say and Midoriya stood up quickly, Momo created a tracking device in a matter of seconds. She then placed the device instantly on Midoriya before he NIGURANDAYOD out of the classroom. She then made a device to track the tracking device so that way, she can know where Midoriya was hiding. When Midoriya left the classroom, Kacchan then pointed her thumb to herself "We all know that nerd is gonna be mine. I can literally find him in a matter of seconds" Kacchan said in pride as she stood up and stretched "All of you extras won't even get close"

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