Chapter 1

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McGonagall suddenly heard a baby crying as she was walking around the halls of Hogwarts and ran towards the sound very confused and saw a baby near the Slytherin common room she picks up the little crying baby and tries to calm her down

Students were staring shocked so she asked what happened "That baby popped out of nowhere like it just popped into existence it was not here a few seconds ago it wasn't there like 5 seconds ago." A student says and McGonagall was shocked

"Interesting now I'll take this little please go back to what you are doing," McGonagall says as she walks off holding the little baby wrapped up in a mint green blanket that the baby was wrapped up in

|Hours later|

"This baby just popped into existence dumbledore what do we do with it?" McGonagall asks and dumbledore was pacing around his office thinking as McGonagall was holding the little baby rubbing its back

"You take her in and adopt her," Dumbledore suggests and Mcgonagall looked shocked

"Me? Excuse me but me take care of this baby I'm too old to be a mother." McGonagall says shocked and dumbledore nods

"She seems to like you don't see the problem," Dumbledore says as the little baby was clinging to Mcgonagall as she was fast asleep

*Well she is adorable, fine I will take her in maybe and raise her I could do an amazing job at it, also we need to figure out about this baby we can't let a random person take her in she was in Hogwarts so she is our responsibility*

|4 years later|

McGonagall raised you as her own daughter and the older you grew the more students knew you as McGonagall adopted daughter that everyone loves teachers and students

But one day McGonagall found you in the garden and gasped shocked when she realized you were speaking parseltongue to a snake 

She ran over and grabbed you "Mommy!" You say smiling and she looked at the snake who was sitting there "My friend says hi." You say and McGonagall was shocked

"Y/n you speak parseltongue?" McGonagall says and you looked confused

"What parseltongue?" You say as she was completely shocked of course you didn't know you were speaking another language

"Nothing just what was your dream sweetie you said it was of a man and a snake?" She says and you nod

"A giant snake killing muggle-borns and Tom riddle who's he? He was in my dream." You say and McGonagall was shocked

*What is she? Is she related to Salazar Slytherin? I have no clue what my daughter is and she says stuff that no one should know about Hogwarts like she was there when it was created*

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