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  • Half ghost
    3.5K 226 15

    Leana LaRue. Dívka s darem… nebo snad prokletím? Kdybyste mohli vidět duchy, komunikovat s nimi a přes všechny legendy, které to vyvrací, se jich i dotýkat… Spoustu ostatních lidí, či duchovidců, by to nazývali úžasnou schopností. Ale Lee musí skrývat tajemství, které se týká jejího rodu. A to tajemství ji pomalu zabí...

  • House of Anubis: Many Years Later...
    189K 2.6K 52

    Anubis house was always filled with drama. Relationships breaking, detentions appearing, it was the usual. That was how it was until Nina Martin stepped in, bringing an enticing mystery to solve every term. In the future, many years after their adventures in Anubis, do these long-lasting friends have what it takes to...

  • The House Of Anubis
    14K 352 16

    The new semester begins and The House Of Anubis has even more secrets to solve...

  • Hunger games: Nová generace
    82.9K 5.4K 44

    Hladové hry jsou už pouhou minulostí... nebo ne? Rose Mellarková... dívka z 12. kraje a zároveň jediná dcera vítězů Katniss a Peety Mellarkových, která si žije pokojný a klidný život... Co se však stane, když se Hladové hry vrátí a Rose je vylosovaná jako splátce? Vyhraje? A co pro to bude muset obětovat? Kamarády? Lá...

  • 1000 Ways To Annoy People
    5.3M 151K 101

    Hey! Have you ever wanted to be the most annoying person on earth? Well sorry but that position is currently occupied by me. That's ok though, because here is your guide to be the equal most annoying person ever! It's got all you need to know to be totally annoying to everyone. Obviously as a joke of course. Trust me...

  • Titanic
    131K 2.6K 27

    christy is a 16 year old girl who loves exploring. when her mother decides to take the titanic christy knows she will have the time of her life. when she meets a second class boy just as wild as her she knows she came on titanic for a reason. based on the true story of titanic. a heart breaking tragedy.(the characters...

  • Jazdkyňa
    110K 9.2K 41

    Pred štrnástimi rokmi sa v izbe jedného dievčatka objaví dráča. Tvrdí jej, že je jeho jazdkyňa. Neskúsené dieťa je zatiahnuté do iného sveta, kde však nachádza väčšie pochopenie než na Zemi. Po rokoch tréningu sa dievča ocitá pred ešte väčšou dilemou. Stretáva chlapca ktorý tvrdí, že ju musí odviesť do školy. Ako sa d...

  • Stupidní deník nudné Sam
    89.9K 3.9K 27

    Zápisky z deníku jedné nudné holky (ano, přesně jak říká název), která si žije svůj všední život se svým sarkasmem, divným smyslem pro humor a naprostou neschopností porozumět dnešní době, dokud se nezačnou dít neočekávané věci (jak jinak...).

    105 5 1

    Tento príbeh je o hlavných predstaviteľoch z hry Subway Surfers. Vybrala som túto hru kvôli tomu, že bola medzi nejhranejšími hrami :) (slovak, slovensky, slovenský)

  • Tourist Trap
    143K 3.6K 43

    [A WATTPAD FEATURED STORY] Okay, so Dr. Octavius is a kooky but lovable mad scientist. You'd really like him if you ever met him. But one day he disappears through a secret door into another world. His niece Sarah and his lab assistant Zeke set out to find him and end up in Quartzwater City, a bizarre land filled w...

  • Lol so true
    9.7M 338K 288


  • Recipes
    258K 2.6K 125

    Hey guys, This is just a recipe book I have made and there are some really great dishes in here including, savouries and desserts, frappe's, you name it!! I hope you find some good recipes you'll like and enjoy!! Also if there are any requests for a recipe that I have not done yet or (Gluten-free), let me know and I...

  • Ways 2 Annoy People
    634K 19.4K 14

    Different ways to annoy people and some very funny dares TRY IT UR SELF

  • Jokes
    19.1M 362K 220

    I did not come up with these jokes I found them on the Internet Written by Angelina !! Funny jokes. Read and vote

  • Royal Story
    154 10 5

    Královský příběh holky co musí plnit královský povinosti

  • Krátké příběhy
    886 23 3

    Několik krátkých příběhů, které na sebe NENAVAZUJÍ! - Noční přelud (Dvojslabičná slova, 97 slov) - Démantový sníh (114 slov) - Tanec v dešti (118 slov)

  • Wattpad's Dirty Little Secrets
    1.3M 62.3K 80

    "OMG your work is so fugly." "Can that bitch even write?" "She wrote what?" "Oh gurl, hold me back." "Have you even seen a story so bad, you just want to like, die?" "I'm the baddest bad bitch on Wattpad. Bow down bitches!" "Follow me, read, comment and vote on all the chapters of my story, or else I'll kill my family...

  • The Adventures of Zelda: A Pug Tale
    574K 10.9K 13

    Have you ever wondered what your dog is thinking? Zelda is a curly-tailed, wrinkly, stubborn pug. But, she isn't an ordinary pug content to eat and sleep her days away. Zelda is always searching for a new adventure, mystery to solve, or squirrel to catch, and her unexpected reactions cause readers to smile and laugh...

  • Manuál pro autory
    171K 11.5K 23

    Ať už jsi začínající autor nebo populární writer, pokud máš se psaním problém, neváhej se ponořit do hlubin tohoto manuálu vytvořeného pro tvoření ještě lepších povídek. #5 in Non-Fiction 17.8.2015 #3 in Non-Fiction 16.7.2015

  • Book of Facts
    69.7K 807 17

    Are you a complete dumb bum? Well, this is your perfect chance to read the BOOK OF FACTS! "WOW!" your friends with your awesome ability to know stuff no one would ever really think about!

  • Trolling people :') It's just what I do best!
    49.8K 1.2K 75

    I'm sorry :D Sources; Omegle, Wattpad,

  • Comebacks, quotes and insults.
    16.8K 582 20

    Insane comebacks and insults and meaningful quotes from twitter.

  • Avril Lavigne Facts
    34.7K 1.2K 12

    Does this book even need a description

  • Miranda's "FANTASTIC" life
    223 15 6

    Nekteří z vás si možná budou myslet, že to má něco společného z Upíříma deníkama a ano, je pravda, že jsem se jimi inspirovala a ze začátku to tak vypadá, pak už je to ovšem úplně něco jiného ;)) Miranda´s "FANTASTIC"life (or how to live side by side with the Vampire) by Janie.

  • "+" Deluxe Version Lyrics Book [Ed Sheeran]
    5.1K 33 16

    All the lyrics to "+" (Deluxe Version) by Ed Sheeran. All the lyrics came from

  • Tajomstvo zo Chanelu •h.s, z.m• [a.u]
    17.6K 1.3K 12

    “There is time for work, and time for love. That leaves no other time” "Je čas na prácu a na lásku. Žiadny iný." -Coco Chanel.....[nie zarry ff]

  • Avril Lavigne Song Lyrics
    113K 1.2K 38

    This is some compilation of Avril Lavigne's song lyrics :) I did this because I'm a fan of her :)) hope you read this :DD I also provided the videos :)) and, add me too! & follow me on twitter please! heartTine