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  • Farin Wata
    13K 747 8

    #paid Sunanta Munubiya An saka mata sunan mata ba don ana tunanin ita cikakkiyar mace ba ce.. An saka ma ta sunan ba don ana tunanin wataran ba zata girma ta zama namiji ba.. An saka ma ta ne domin ana bukatar ta gaji mai sunan.. Zan baku labarin 'yar mace 'Yar da ta ci sunan uwarta 'Yar da ko musulunci bai bata uba...

    198K 33.7K 64

    Despised by her father for not being a male child, Fatimah Bulama hopes to attain her father's love and to prove how able she is to render the same service a male child can. She's the one and only child of Alhaji Aliyu Bulama, the founder of Bulama Cooperation. Yusuf Dolari, the second child of Alhaji Abba Dolari is...

    1.4K 114 49

    labarin soyayyar khairat da yayanta wanda ta daukesa matsayin yayanta ciki guda

  • Can I Be Your Mrs?
    54.8K 6.3K 32

    Have you ever loved something to the extent that you could lie blatantly about it? In Jalilah's case, she had. She had loved ballet since she was a little girl, but being born from a northern Nigerian family, she had never got to be the ballerina she had always dreamed of. Did she let go of that dream? No, because she...

  • Aisha_Humairah
    731K 63.3K 77

    It is a story about two sisters that are like the two sides of a coin, totally different yet part of each other. It is a story about loneliness, sadness, discrimination, hypocrisy, self pity and of course love. Get your handkerchiefs ready because this story will bring you tears. Enjoy

    69.5K 9K 43

    In a village where girl child education is considered unrighteous, lived a 12year old Khairee whose dream is to become a professional journalist. Being fortunate enough to undergo the initial stage, Khairee took the courage to request her parent to allow her to further her studies. What do you think their answer will...

    6.8K 820 45

    Rayuwa kowa da irin tasa, labari kowa da irin nasa, haka nan ƙaddara da jarrabawa sukan sauya rayuwar mutum daga asalin yadda take. Tafiya ce miƙaƙƙiya cikin rayuwa ta zahiri mai laƙabin HAYATUL ƘADRI.

  • GAMO
    3.2K 260 10

    Labarin GAMO! Akan wasu taurari guda biyu. wanda ƙaddarar rayuwar su take sarƙe da juna, gaba ɗaya suna tafiya ne akan ƙaddara ɗaya batare da sun sani ba. Tsana me tsanani itace farkon ƙaddarar su akan juna. ko yaya zata kaya?!!!!

  • ᎠᎪႮᏞᎪᎻ.. 𝘉𝘐𝘠𝘜!!! dynasty's
    12.8K 1.4K 38

    When west meet earth....

    534K 51.1K 48

    Limitlessly love.

  • EZNAH 2016✅
    462K 48.8K 41

    It's all about destiny...

  • yar sarki 👑(King's Daughter )
    38.6K 4.2K 77

    Love,hateret, sacrifice, deception, royalty.

  • "MALEEK"
    43.1K 2.8K 49

    labarin soyyaya ne tsakanin mai kudin da mulki dakuma yar talakawa Inda mahaifiyarsa tace bazaya auretaba saidai mai matsayi dakuma mulki yar manya. Amintattatun abokai ke sosayyadaita shin wazata zaba cikinsu kuma kowa da salon soyyarsa.....find in maleeek.

    129K 6.5K 46

    Okey I'll leave now, remember me in your prayers, keep the taste of my mention on your tangue , keep my good deed in the boxes of heart, and keep my greetings even in the letters and telegram, i haven taken your darkness, and my bright shinning stars in your now, if am not there for your gathering, there is darkness...

    201K 21.4K 69

    Khalifa Al-Haydar sunan da yake yawo a gari, sunan matashin mai kudin da dubban mutane zasu yi komai dan su ga fuskar shi. Layla the sensational lady, idan har akwai aji a karuwanci Layla ta fara bude shi. Labarin su ba kaman labari bane nayau da kullum, ba ko da yaushe kake yanke hukunci akan kaddarar mutane ba. JI...

    113K 8.6K 28

    Taya zai runtse ido ya zabi wata bare sama da ita bayan kuma ita tafi cancanta ta maye gurbin yar'uwarta? Anya zata juye kallonsa da wata macen bayan tsawon lokacin da ta dauka tana jiran mijin yayarta? Takan yi bakinciki mutuwar HALEEMA, a yanyinda bakincikin yake rikida ya zame mata farinciki a duk lokacin da t...

    11.9K 470 9

    Labarin sarqaqiyar rayuwa...💫💕Na NAFI ANKA DA MISS XOXO (2016)
