Confessions Of A "Mindless" Girl
This story follows the lives of four girls, Imani, Mimi, Cassie and Abby. The four girls are all fans of Mindless Behavior except for Cassie. Cassie is a long lost friend of Roc Royal, who he kind of dumped in the end grade, because he went to Mindless Behavior, but he never got a chance to tell Cassie that. Cassie, h...
Dewasa -
Teacher's Little Secret.
Going into her senior year, Pashmina thought it'd be no different than her previous high school years with the exception of graduation. That whole idea was wiped completely from her mind the day she walked into her biology class meeting her new teacher, Mr. August. Tall, handsome, toned, and smart, Meena became attrac...
*~With You~* Sequel to [Best Friend] A Roc Royal of Mindless Behavior Story
Six months later, Ci has built an entire new life away from her famous baby daddy, brother, and ex best friend. Everything is going great in her new life until her mom decides to invite everyone from her past that she ran away from to spend a month in Miami with her and Ci. Old flames spark, and fists fly as Ci pursue...