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  • How To Hide A Body
    439K 30.5K 49

    Solange Southwood is a professional criminal. It runs in the family. She's helped countless notorious criminals and has only been in jail once. However, suddenly there are new rules to a game she didn't know she had been playing. Someone blackmails her. In order to preserve her identity and save the ones she loves, s...

  • Eve
    2M 149K 47

    -Featured Story -Wattys 2016 Winner Eve's a vegan zombie, and she really doesn't care what you think of it, so shush it. All she wants is to get by and find some pigeons or a fat rat - anything without a name she can eat before she starves to death in What's-Left-of-Los-Angeles, California. Because I don't care what y...

  • Tradition Comes Third
    2.6M 137K 50

    The third book to the Family Comes First trilogy Time has passed, and now Hunter is seventeen and preparing to graduate from high school. Jimmy is being released from prison, and Julie is excited for them to be a family once again. Traditions start to arise when Hunter meets Ava. Julie believed that everything was...

  • Truth Comes Second
    5.5M 235K 44

    A sequel to Family Comes First by Mason FitzGibbon After Carrie telling the detectives about the abuse Tommy put her through, a search is out for Tommy and Jimmy. Julie is trying her best to keep the family's traditions secret, but the detectives have been in the basement. She gets caught up in a web of lies and has...

  • la pelouse de la gare
    54.6K 9K 24

    Léo va, chaque jour, à la pelouse de la gare. Il s'agit d'un espace vert à moitié caché parmi les arbres, tandis qu'un café fait face au seul côté visible depuis la rue. Léo connaît tous les habitués des lieux et même leurs habitudes. Mais un jour, un jeune homme qu'il n'a jamais vu vient s'asseoir à la pelouse de la...

  • Light as a Feather, Silent as the Grave
    1.2M 70.9K 39

    This is Book 3 in the Light as a Feather series. Book 1: Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board (available on Amazon & iTunes) Book 2: Light as a Feather, Cold as Marble I would like to extend a giant THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to all of you who've stuck with these books over the last 3 years.

  • Light as a Feather, Cold as Marble
    3.2M 106K 34

    This is the sequel to Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board, the first book in the Weeping Willow High School series.

  • Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board
    4.9M 133K 30

    This is the original, unedited version of Light as a Feather, Book #1. This book was the inspiration for the Hulu Original Series. The revised version is now available in bookstores throughout the USA & Canada from Simon Pulse. McKenna Brady thinks her junior year of high school is going to be the best ever when she'...

  • Doctor Who: The Evangelion Error (Book One)
    324K 10K 74

    Stranded on a parallel Earth, the Tenth Doctor finds himself mentoring a traumatized child soldier enlisted in a hopeless war to save humanity. With an endless number of mysteries in sight -- from the enigmatic alien invaders they call Angels, to the strange machines known as Evangelions used in the planet's defense...

  • Watchers
    140K 11.5K 57

    On America's favorite TV show, the only prize is getting out alive. Daniel is an affluent Senator's son who has just been disowned over his gender transition. When he's thrust out of his home and into the public spotlight, a bounty hunter targets him for a deadly reality show where Daniel teams up with a street-smart...

  • The Red Door
    627K 22.8K 28

    When Mollie starts to prefer the dreams she's having to the painful reality of life, she's forced to choose between embracing a fantasy or the man she loves. ***** Since she was seven, Mollie Cutright has known two truths: she loves Howard Flynn and...

  • Les éponges à sentiments
    48.1K 7K 9

    Ambre cache bien son jeu. Sous ses airs de petite maligne de Bretagne, la blonde a bel et bien des sentiments. Elle, qui a toujours admiré les talents de son cousin Gustave pour s'en battre les couilles, adore se faire passer au lycée pour la fille intouchable. Sauf qu'elle a dû rencontrer Malo, un mec de Saint-Malo q...

  • IRE
    10.4K 1.7K 6

    Isaac est en colère. Il l'aime encore. Pour de vrai. Comme si c'était la première fois qu'il la voyait. Comme si son frère n'était jamais tombé amoureux d'elle. Comme si Reina ne représentait rien pour lui. Comme si elle n'était pas déjà repartie. Et puis, Reina est amoureuse. D'un Neville. Un Neville qui lui panse se...

  • Nib
    153K 28.6K 57

    Reina n'a qu'à baisser le menton, les yeux humides, pour voir apparaître des gouttes d'encre sur sa page. Trois gouttes bleuâtres qui rappellent les reflets d'un voyage. - Qu'est-ce que Nib? Nib c'est une aventure, une fille en cavale, la plume d'un stylo, un gars tourmenté et une autre nana à la recherche de véri...

  • Cléo
    35.3K 6.5K 19

    On a déjà tous vu une fille comme Cléo sur notre passage. Mais on ne s'est pas tous approché d'une d'elle pour l'observer telle qu'elle est.

  • The Numbered
    7M 301K 76

    Imagine the second you're born, a consultant removes you from your mother's grasp and runs a battery of genetic and physiological tests on you. Thirty minutes later they give you a score out of one hundred which denotes your level of perfection. If your score is above eighty and you work hard to maintain that score yo...

  • Le triptyque des âmes éperdues.
    30.5K 4.4K 4

    Les histoires d'amour sont en réalité très simples. Il suffit de prendre des jeunes déjà fous amoureux, de leur laisser trois chapitres, d'y coller un narrateur qui manque de tact et de faire mijoter le tout.

  • White Lies (Book 1)
    10.6M 179K 46

    Jesabel is a liar. When her only friend mysteriously disappears, she does what comes naturally. She keeps her truth from the world. Without warning, she is thrown into a web of lies far more dangerous and lethal than anything she could imagine. With an annoyingly charming boy by her side, can she unravel what she refu...

  • Les étoiles ne brilleront pas ce soir
    351K 40.6K 33

    Il était extraverti. Elle était timide. Il était impulsif. Elle était précise. Il aimait dessiner. Elle aimait lire. Il était insolent. Elle était douce. Il était passionné. Elle était poétique. Il était Mathis, elle était Thaïs. Ils étaient tous deux un peu perdus. Et une nuit, ils se rencontrèrent. Et un matin, ils...

  • Jefferson's world
    691K 2.9K 11

    Le lycée Jefferson est le repaire des apparences. Chaque élève est dans sa case, et s'efforce tant bien que mal d'y rester. Pourtant, tous ont des secrets prêts à être dévoilés. D'ailleurs, huit élèves sont sur le point de voler en éclats. Tim, Jude, Terence, Colin, Swann, Megan, Nelly et Flora. Autant de personnalité...

  • Le battement d'aile du pélican
    241K 31.6K 47

    -C'EST TRES BEAU, ai-je dit très fort. -JE SAIS. Il s'est assis sur un banc au bord de l'eau calme et je l'ai imité. Il a souri. J'ai souri. Le héron a souri. Son regard s'est posé sur moi et m'a détaillée très longtemps, si longtemps que j'ai pensé qu'il allait m'embrasser. Et puis je me suis souvenue que j'avais le...

  • Georges, le monde et moi.
    401K 13.9K 10

    ANCIENNEMENT "Georges". Le titre est modifié en raison de la publication aux Éditions Hachette Romans le 5 septembre 2018 Priam aborde son année de terminale avec appréhension. Installé dans sa petite routine, il se demande si sa vie peut être plus basique. L'arrivée de Georges dans sa vie, un garçon comme lui, sans s...

  • Dust
    341K 19.6K 32

    All the earth is torn asunder. There used to be grass, and the sun used to be golden. Children played outside, climbing trees with smiles on their faces and grass stains on their knees. People worried about a million things that would soon be irrelevant, continuing without a clue of the disaster to come. Centuries lat...

  • OTHERS (Formerly The Scarlet Effect)
    382K 21.4K 56

    The pandemic was just the beginning. After an unknown virus sweeps across the globe, Aurora and two other survivors seek out safety in a bomb shelter with enough supplies to last a few years. Just as she starts to adapt to her new way of life, she is suddenly abducted by those responsible for introducing the disease...

  • Expiration Date (Books 1 and 2)
    24.3M 1.2M 173

    Now a digital pilot for SYFY The Society knows when we're going to die. They imprint it on our arms at birth. I was supposed to die yesterday. I'm the girl who's Expired. Winner of the 2020 Readers Choice Awards Cover by @Forcade

  • ELIT
    525K 44.3K 23

    2102. Pour de mystérieuses raisons, l'ONU décide de lancer un programme pilote nommé ELIT approuvé par une trentaine de pays. Le concept est simple. Dans chaque pays, seize jeunes possédant chacun un don intellectuel sont recrutés et bénéficient d'une éducation très encadrée. 10 ans plus tard et contre sa volonté, Sym...

  • Heart of Stone
    33.4K 783 26

    WARNING: THIS IS A FETUS BOOK AND CONTAINS AWFUL WRITING so uh read at your own risk lmao "Whom you're meant to be with isn't exactly the same as the one whom your heart chooses to be with." Girls and boys are given necklaces at birth, to indicate whom they're meant to be with when they are around the age to marry. T...

  • The Ghost Files
    6.6M 153K 33

    Cherry blossom lipstick: check Smokey eyes: check Skinny jeans: check Dead kid in the mirror: check For sixteen year old Mattie Hathaway, this is her normal everyday routine. She's been able to see ghosts since her mother tried to murder her when she was five years old. No way does she want anyone to know she ca...

  • Prodigy Eternal (book 2)
    360K 30.3K 54

    The highly anticipated sequel to the cult-classic Prodigy is now available in print and eBook stores! One year has passed since Alexandra Gray became the symbol of hope for society. Sheathed in the undercurrent of Tokyo, Alex has remained out of the public eye, desperately trying to reclaim a piece of her old life, al...

  • Prodigy (Complete)
    3.8M 104K 62

    The greatest tragedy the world has ever known turned out to be the ultimate catalyst for change. In the wake of World War III, which decimated most of the world's population, the remaining survivors vowed to not continue to repeat the same mistakes of the past. Fortunately, they had something previous generations did...
