Run and Hide For Your Life
This is Human Nature/Family of Blood AU with Rose instead of Martha because Tenrose. Some continuity errors to make up for Martha being gone and Joan not being a technical love interest Name changes Shippy as hecky
This is Human Nature/Family of Blood AU with Rose instead of Martha because Tenrose. Some continuity errors to make up for Martha being gone and Joan not being a technical love interest Name changes Shippy as hecky
The Doctor and Rose visit Jackie's flat (a routine visit for Rose) but are quickly distracted when they see news of strange disappearances and happenings in the hills of Scotland. They leave Jackie's flat but are not prepared for what they find. *based on the Creepypasta "Mist" by CreepsMcPasta, with some changes to...
The Doctor and Rose Tyler have been undercover plenty of times. What they haven't been is shipwrecked on an island by a storm-that's-really-not-a-storm with very sinister messages left for them and the survivors. And whoever they are, the sinister beings have made it very clear that they know Rose and the Doctor. ...
The Doctor and Rose discover an article written about a couple, Maria and Ben Glasser, who passed away in their home due to... Mysterious circumstances that neighbors called 'paranormal'. Never ones to turn down adventure, the Doctor and Rose go back to rewrite time and save the couple... But seem to forget the impli...
Rose Tyler has been trying to return to the Doctor for a year and a half. When she finally succeeds, they don't fall into the easy pattern of before. He's got a new companion now, Martha Jones, and Rose begins to feel threatened. Reunion!Fic TenxRose
The Doctor and Rose crash in France in the 34th century: a time when the Earth reverts to customs of the 1800s. While they wait for the TARDIS to recover from the crash landing, the King of France has plans no one was bargaining for. •It's another TenxRose Fic. Someone take my phone away!•
Tenth Doctor and Rose A distress signal sent from the TARDIS sends Rose and the Doctor to an obscure location of an abandoned amusement part in The Bahamas. "Treasure Island," a place run, and then abandoned by Disney 30+ years ago. Rose thinks the signal was a mistake, after all, Disney is the happiest place on Ear...