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  • S tebou ✔
    23.3K 969 21

    Jo je profesionálny hasič. V hasičskom zbore pracuje so svojimi priateľmi Nikom a Billom a spolu zachraňujú ľudí. Čo všetko sa zmení, keď do ich životov vstúpi žena? Nina prišla po skrachovanom dlhoročnom vzťahu bývať k svojmu bratovi, ktorého dlho nevidela. Snaží sa znovu si s ním vybudovať vzťah, ktorého sa vzdala...

  • My Fake Boyfriend
    94.2M 3M 136

    He was so close, his breath hit my lips. His eyes darted from my eyes to my lips. I stared intently, awaiting his next move. His lips fell near my ear. "Shut up and kiss me" He whispered roughly. A chill shot up my spine. I pulled back, staring at his eyes and leaned in.. ********** What happens when Alexis Dawson- "r...

  • Dieťa budúcnosti
    2.4K 135 9

    Renáta ostáva sama doma so svojím najlepším priateľom, pretože ich rodičia spolu šli na trojdňový výlet. Už mali svoje plány ako si užijú bez dozoru rodičov, no všetky plány padnú keď sa z ničoho nič v dome zjaví malé dievčatko, ktoré tvrdí, že oni sú jej rodičia. Odkiaľ a čie je to dieťa? Vážne je z budúcnosti aleb...

  • Príliš Veľa Snehu
    15.7K 1.5K 28

    Ako ľudia obvykle trávia posledný týždeň pred Vianocami? Táňa si je istá, že väčšina z nich sa nedostane do takej prekérnej situácie ako ona. Neocitnú sa v krajine kde nikomu nerozumejú, s ľuďmi s ktorými nechcú tráviť čas, pri činnostiach, ktoré sú minimálne životu nebezpečné. A kto by si pomyslel, že to všetko ešte...

  • Zoey
    246K 18.4K 42

    Ona chcela vyhrať súťaž a on len plnil láskavosť. Ich cesty sa po jednom víkende mali rozísť, ale osud to chcel inak. Poriadne im zamiešal karty života a bolo len na nich ako dohrajú rozohranú hru. Otázkou bolo, dokážu vyhrať?

    Completed   Mature
  • 𝓢𝓹𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮𝓼?! ✓
    62.5K 2.1K 55

    Thiana a Caleb sú mladí, nezadaní a šťastní ľudia. Jedna vec ich ale spája. Rivalita. Totižto, dlho sa nevideli. Už takmer desať rokov. Boli síce spolužiaci na základnej škole, ale nemali sa vôbec v láske. Nebol deň, čo by nepadla jedna uštipačná poznámka na adresu toho druhého. Medzitým sa z Thiany stala šťastná m...

    Completed   Mature
  • Behind Office Doors
    2.7M 21.7K 8

    [18+] Imogen is shocked when the sexy stranger she spent the summer sleeping with turns out to be her new boss. ***** [WILL BE REMOVED FROM WATTPAD ON AUGUST 3RD, 2023] When two strangers each booked a holida...

  • Tajomstvo závoja
    44.9K 2.8K 32

    Budúci gróf z Danteveru Sebastián Pure D'viente prichádza do spoločnosti v Londýne, aby si našiel manželku. Má dokonalý plán ako si ju vyberie z množstva dám. Nehľadí, ale na krásu ženy, ale chce spoznať krásu jej duše a srdca. Na jednom plese pôjde k dáme, ku ktorej by nešiel, nebyť listu od jeho priateľa Alberta. O...

  • Nečekaná Volba(2.díl)✔
    20.8K 1.1K 14

    Druhý díl "úspěšného" příběhu Nečekaná láska. Navazující příběh o životě Adele a z menší části i jejího dvojčete Andrewa. Adele si může svého manžela vybrat z několika nápadníků. Může si vybrat a zároveň musí. Andrew si nevěstu moc dlouho nevybírá, protože najde svojí spřízněnou duši. Co když Adele narazí na chytrého...

  • Nečekaná Láska✔
    188K 7.7K 36

    !!Varuji před tím, že tohle je pouze fikce, a také můj první příběh.!! P.S.: Pro hnidopichy... Nečtěte to... Jsem Katherina a je mi 18 let můj otec je králem menšího království. Problém je ten, že díky nedávné válce nemá království dostatek peněz a tak jediná možnost, jak zachránit celé království a hlavně chudý, hlad...

  • Miluj ma navždy!
    13K 691 23

    Keď sa lady zamiluje do obyčajného koniara, môže vzniknúť láska na večné veky. Patricia však nie je jediná, ktorej Alejandro učaril a otec so zväzkom nesúhlasí. Vydrží ich láska intrigy a zradu? Zostanú verní svojmu sľubu napriek nepriazni osudu? Je tu predsa len niečo silnejšie ako čistá láska... Príbeh obsah...

  • Hired To Love
    55.4M 1.8M 67

    Henley agrees to pretend to date millionaire Bennett Calloway for a fee, falling in love as she wonders - how is he involved in her brother's false conviction? ****** Henley Linden's brother is in jail for a crime he didn't commit, and she'll take any job to raise the money needed to free him. Soon, she's agreed to pr...

    Completed   Mature
  • Lokiho spoluväzeň (1.) [DOKONČENÉ]
    57.8K 5.2K 45

    Po útoku na New York chce S.H.I.E.L.D. vyskúšať niečo nového a zároveň mať istotu, aby Loki neutiekol. Dajú ho do väzby, ktorá bola určená pre niekoho silnejšieho ako je on. Nie len pre Hulka, ale i osobu, ktorá o svojich schopnostiach nevedela. Jeho spoluväzňom sa stala 16 ročná výmyselníčka, ktorej S.H.I.E.L.D. doho...

  • Agreements With Mr Rich Boy | ✓
    11.3M 367K 53

    [The Mr Series #1] ❝oh, you silly girl. didn't they ever tell you?... rich boys don't have hearts.❞ Don't speak to them. Don't go near them. Don't breathe within 3 feet of them. The prestigious Attwood Academy was home only to the richest and most regal teenagers not only in Britain, but in the entire world. However...

  • Our final destination
    14.8K 633 8

    (Complete and edited) After almost missing her flight, Rey boards her plane only to find out she will be sitting next to the "epitome of handsome" man, and can't seem to form words. The six hour flight from LA to NYC will be very eventful. A modern reylo AU where Rey and Ben meet on a plane and possibly more ;)

  • Sith Happens (Modern Reylo au)
    98.8K 2.8K 36

    "I hate you" "I hate you more" "I hate you with all my life" "I hate you with all the power in the world" Rey Kenobi is a small but fierce sophomore girl. She is strong and determined to best Kylo Ren in what ever measures it takes. Kylo Ren is the "bad guy" of the school, with over 100 detentions and calls to the pri...

  • Entwined (A Reylo Fanfic)
    203K 8.8K 84

    With Kylo Ren's darkness encasing her like a safeguard -a dark swirling mass of power with the density of deep space- Rey's bright gold Force-essence exploded to life with the radiant illumination of solar flares and stars. Luke's face shot back to his groaning nephew. Kylo's Force aura had visibly changed too. He was...

  • ✔️○Milujem ho○✔️
    186K 7.1K 114

    ○Sľúbený new príbeh spoločne s @neznama19?Čo sa stane, keď sa do seba zamilujú osoby, ktoré sú úplne odlišné? Ona - veselé a vždy pozitívne dievča. On- chlapec, ktorý si myslí, že jeho život nemá zmysel○

  • Salvation (CZ)
    518 48 5

    „Proč jsi mi to neřekla?" Zeptal se mě něžným hlasem čekajíc na mou odpověď. Párkrát jsem zamrkala a překvapeně se na něj podívala, než se odtáhla a s tichým zasmáním se zvedla a ruce si založila na prsou. „Co přesně? Co přesně jsem ti neřekla, Bene?" Ta ironie se sarkasmem v mém hlase nešly nepřeslechnout. „To, že m...

  • One Important Question : ON HOLD
    8.1K 352 18

    He lost everything that mattered to him with one simple fire . He lost the things that made him complete ... She started working at her favorite comic book company , as an assistant, fetching coffee and copying papers ... He asks her something big... She freaks out .... Thinks about .... Then we see what happens ! ~...

  • The Prince's Scavenger
    90.5K 3.2K 30

    - 2th in Reylo Fanfic! (5/19/18)- Ben lives in a palace that couldn't be any finer, but he isn't happy there. He wants to help his soon to be people and when he gets in an argument with his mother, Leia Organa, about marriage he runs away. He wants to marry for love, not be just another king worried about his wealth a...

    Completed   Mature
  • The Art of Broken Pieces
    76.1K 3.1K 62

    Rey knew Ben Solo needed her. He'd never fully succeeded in killing his past, and those cornerstones of his life dragged behind him, a weight he refused to process, to grieve, and to forgive. That was what he needed her for. Not to stay his hand, or protect people from his destructive form of help, but when the goodne...

    Completed   Mature
  • Painted Angels- Oh hold.
    4.6K 248 12

    Artist Ben Solo is looking for the perfect model to pose for a painting he wishes to exhibit at the Corelian gallery, located in San Francisco. After searching for a while, a college student named Rey decides to become his model. Over the time, both the artist and college student began to develop a friendship which t...

  • Forced To Love - Reylo AU
    43K 1.1K 23

    "You're going to marry Ben Solo." My grandfather, Ben Kenobi, pointed to a good-looking man behind me, and I found my eyes being glued on to him. I knew who he was; he was the "Number One Playboy" of our school. My grandpa noticed how I was staring at him, so he snapped his hands in front of my face, making me turn my...

  • A "Special" Arrangement
    65.5K 1.9K 21

    She has debts , bills to pay , no where to live , no car , someone stole her textbooks and tuition is due in a couple days and that screaming voice won't stop .... he may just have the answer ... if she agrees to a "special" arrangement. ~Reylo AU~ •••Original Characters by George Lucas ••• *** all art goes to rightfu...

    Completed   Mature
  • The Teaching Assistant Awakens
    40.1K 1.1K 17

    Finn told her not to TA for Professor Solo... Finn told her he was crazy... Finn told her that she would regret this... But Finn didn't tell him that he would love this... He's a big stuffy hot shot professor who's job includes scaring nuns into telling the truth and cursing at children . She just wants to finish t...

  • Lydia
    2.8K 119 8

    Acts 16 describes Lydia as follows: " A certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, one who worshiped God, heard us" Lydia Octavia Solo was born on March 23rd, 2000. She was born with light brown hair and blue eyes . The second she was away from the nurse she began to cry . The woman near...

  • A Star Wars Reylo AU: The Taming of the Professor
    74.5K 3.2K 56

    In this AU, our Star Wars darlings have their feet planted firmly on Earth, at The University, where Rey is placed with Dr. Solo as an adviser. Can she tame this shrew of a man? I have a new story published on Wattpad called "Skywalker Rises." It's a fix fic for TROS. 😊 *None of the artwork associated with this story...

    Completed   Mature
  • Chemical Ren Ingredient #1 : The Professor
    3.4K 146 21

    "Professor...?" "Shh. Don't speak. Your lessons, begin now." "We have to go now!" "What the fuck kind of college professor are you?!"

    Completed   Mature