BOROROJI....The Journey of Destiny!!!
love and Destiny.... She never thought of falling in love with him, but he never fell in love with her. She never knew who you trusted would betray you until she sought true love ....
love and Destiny.... She never thought of falling in love with him, but he never fell in love with her. She never knew who you trusted would betray you until she sought true love ....
"Baba meyasa kazama boka bokanci fa haramun ne kuma k'arya ne shirka ne Allah baya yafewa mushirki..... "ke Izza ki kiyayeni idan kika nemi d'agamin hankali abin bazai miki kyau ba dan ni zan iyayin komai akan cikar burina na kashe Faida ma balle ke zaki kawo min maganar banza yanzu kinga wani abin da ya Dan ganci bok...
Okey I'll leave now, remember me in your prayers, keep the taste of my mention on your tangue , keep my good deed in the boxes of heart, and keep my greetings even in the letters and telegram, i haven taken your darkness, and my bright shinning stars in your now, if am not there for your gathering, there is darkness...
It is a story about a typical Fulani Muslim girl with a perfect background and up bringing from a very wealthy family, who later meet with a destiny that totally changed her and left her hanging on a thin thread of her real self. It is a story about love, sacrifices for love and the consequences of that. Maimoon will...
This is not a love story but it is a story of love, of how it never dies no matter how long and how far apart the lovers are. Just follow my pen for I assure you, you are going to fall in love with Diyam.
The story is all about Sulaim and Kulthum who were the best of friends, intimate and bussoms. One is from rich family and the other from poor family which affording 3 square meal is a great problem, she has a high self esteem and high standards with lot of dreams which can be said building castle in the air! Let's em...
Hassanah.....kyakyawar, nutsatsiyar kuma salaha wadda Tasha gwagwamarya hade da tashi karkashin uba me tsananin son kanshi da abin duniya. Duk wannan ba shi ne matsalar ba Illa wata Kaddara me girma da take fadawa Hassanah wadda take canja kafatanin ita kanta Hassanan. Rayuwarmu a yau! Yayi duba akan Illar saki Aure...
Matar shi ce ta farko bata san haihuwa, idan ta samu ciki sai ta zubar, as ending yake yin auren sirri da mai aikin gidan
Heart touching story. Lots of folks confuse bad management with destiny. Destiny is no matter of chance. It's a matter of choice's. It's not a thing to be waiting for, it's a thing to be achieved. Our destiny change's with our thought, we shall become what we wish to become, do what we wish to do when our habitual th...
Auren dole labari ne akan wata yarinya wadda auren dole yazaman ma alheri saboda hakuri
Hadakar labarai kala kala daga marubutan kungiyar hausa brilliant writers association domin fadakarwa da ilimantarwa.
Khalifa Al-Haydar sunan da yake yawo a gari, sunan matashin mai kudin da dubban mutane zasu yi komai dan su ga fuskar shi. Layla the sensational lady, idan har akwai aji a karuwanci Layla ta fara bude shi. Labarin su ba kaman labari bane nayau da kullum, ba ko da yaushe kake yanke hukunci akan kaddarar mutane ba. JI...
"What the__ what the__ what the__ He always shouts unnecessarily emperor is too much."She hissed irritatedly. "Princess if anyone tries to harm you do not hesitate to tell isn't late to back out of this contract"He Sounded very worried "No yaa maheer, I've to finish what I started,you don't have to worry, I'l...
Hausa love story,between two family friends which want to share a bond not just being friends😊😊