Smart test answers from kids
Find out the most smart ass test answers or just plain funny pictures
Find out the most smart ass test answers or just plain funny pictures
Fhdhfjgsdjdvcdgsgssfhhdzv This book is filled with jokes and funny skits that's been said under my roof, things made up,or what I find or here from others so without further ado.... ENJOY I like trains
Hilarious text messages and jokes. Warning : May cause heaps of laughter, overflowing number of voting, comments, and choking of laughter. *READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.*
This book is just full of a whole bunch of different things, and I'm just making this for fun! It goes from comebacks to jokes to.. Whatever I can find! Yea, I said find because I'm being honest with ya... These aren't all mine! So yea thank you so much and plz vote and feel free to comment! Bye!