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  • S I N
    77.3K 3.9K 4

    Pacatul si credinta sunt doua cai ale vietii pe care le alegem singuri si le urmam pana la moarte asigurandu-ne ridicarea spre rai sau caderea in iad. Sunt doua elemente diferite. Focul si apa pot fi unite si din ele va rasari aburul, soarele si ploaia vor fi impreunate si vor creea curcubeul insa apropierea dintre...

  • Harry Styles Dirty Imagine
    42.3K 196 1

  • Book of the Demon {Harry Styles au}
    460K 16.2K 21

    THIS STORY IS DISCONTINUED. READ IF YOU WANT, BUT IT'S NOT FINISHED. "Featherstone forest is a place where all fictional becomes reality." [ cover made by @bottom_of_styles ]

  • Demons |h.s|
    155K 5.3K 7

    ❝I killed someone you see, the kind that took you away from me.❞© all rights reserved || winternouis {book one of the fading light series}

  • Empire ♔ h.s au
    449K 13.5K 18

    THIS STORY IS DISCONTINUED. READ IF YOU WANT, BUT IT'S NOT FINISHED!!! "Welcome to your new life under my rule. It's my pleasure to make your life a living hell." {explicit content} [ cover made by @narrysnirvana ]

  • Psycho Sitter - Harry Styles COMPLETED
    15.9M 451K 61

    Cassandra Lowe's parents seem to be always working, making them leave behind their two children with relatives far more then they would like. When Cassie's father gets a call for him and his wife to take a trip to Australia, thousands of miles away from their children. They accept the offer but know they can't leave...

  • The Beast {Harry Styles/Vampire Fanfic} |Romanian|
    269K 13K 23

    ***ATENŢIE: Această poveste conține scene VIOLENTE şi SEXUALE*** Toate drepturile rezervate autoarei: WhisperOfDreams (c) Rose ştia că lumea asta era plină de mistere, plină de mistere, mistere gata să fie descoperite. Mereu visa la o viaţă normală, fără griji şi fără vină. Dar evident, soarta a decis al...

  • Louis Tomlinson Facts
    323K 16.6K 102

    Facts despre Louis Tomlinson #non-fictiune

  • He's so strange...- I.His Everything
    257K 9.5K 70

    [HS] "Sentimentele pe care le simt fata de tine ma poarta dincolo de limite, spre cea mai dulce si periculoasa obsesie." a spus ea. "Stii ce insemni pentru mine si nu o sa te las sa uiti asta!" a fost tot ce a zis el.

  • the journal - h.s.
    30.9M 510K 111

    "You do realize a journal is an extremely personal thing right?" His voice was raspy, low and threatening, making me take a step back in panic as he continued, "so my only question is why the fuck are you standing with mine?" - first book - - instagram acc: @thejournalofficial - - for extra material: ari...

  • Best friends or love?
    11.5K 424 13

    <<"Harry..."spune Laura incet catre el uitandu-se atenta la privirea dragastoasa ce i-o oferea. "Ssssht,acesta va fii secretul nostru!"ii spune el uitanduse in ochii ei"Sa nu uiti asta niciodata!"si o saruta inca o data pe frunte.>> Sper sa va placa si scuzati greselile gramat...

  • One Shot I. Xiovol
    558K 23.8K 36

    Cand intunericul te vaneaza insetat, nu poti fugi cu scopul de a gasi lumina, dar te poti confrunta cu el cu scopul de a-l lumina. Trecutul este o umbra grea, iar dragostea este un prototip nedescoperit. Adrenalina ne tine in viata, iar timpul este contra timp. Ce face bietul inger, cu aripile frante sub puterea unui...

  • Je t'aime
    18.2K 681 3

    (harry styles) french is a beautiful language, but it's even more beautiful when it comes out of his mouth. © Copyright 2013. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced, displayed, modified or distributed without the express prior written permission of the copyright holder. For permission, contact @picca...

  • Pour | Harry Styles
    190K 6.6K 23

    ❝ SOMETIMES, LOVE HURTS. ❞ She pours tea for him. This doesn't seem like anything great but it's deeper than just pouring tea. It's the way she pours tea for him; the way she does it as gently as possible; the way never fails to let her arm brush against his for a moment or more, if she can manage it; it's the way s...

  • Inside My Mind (Harry Styles)
    4.3K 101 2

    She's there, watching. I can feel her presence around me, driving me mad. Haunting me. They think I'm going crazy, but no one seems to understand how I wish things have turned out different.

  • Virginity Challenge
    51.7K 2K 14

    Viata e o jungla - tu alegi daca vrei sa fi pradatorul,sau prada. Eu am ales cea de-a doua varianta. Cu asta ma ocup - pariuri erotice. ¥ TommoCarrot69 toate drepturile rezervate

  • Jurnalul unui panda ţăcănit
    1.3K 78 3

    Po, un panda puţin cam emotiv, aiurit, mâncăcios si ţăcănit, se trezeşte în mijlocul unei grădini zoologice, înconjurat de urşi bruni nu tocmai "cu chef de joacă". Pe lângă asta, el trebuie să aibă grijă şi de Paduleţ, celălalt panda din zoo. Micuţul are doar două luni şi acelaşi trecut ca şi Po: şi-a pierdut părinţii...

  • Truly, Madly, Deadly
    4.4M 87.9K 23

    They Said It Was An Accident... Sawyer Dodd is a star athlete, a straight-A student, and the envy of every other girl who wants to date Kevin Anderson. When Kevin dies in a tragic car crash, Sawyer is stunned. Then she opens her locker to find a note: You're welcome. Someone saw what he did to her. Someone knows that...

  • Time
    2.9M 103K 91

    All endings are also beginnings. We just don't know it at the time. • • • VOLUMUL I - Time VOLUMUL II - Lost in Time Atentie: Cartea are un continut sexual, violenta si limbaj puternic. Nu este un fan-made dupa o alta carte, serial sau film. Este scrisa de mine si este creatia mea. Daca cineva doreste sa faca o tradu...

  • Atingerea Diavolului
    891K 26.8K 64

    „Tine minte ce iti spun, Samantha Lancelot, drumul spre Rai este pavat cu jar! Iar impreuna vom face Iadul perfect." „Chipul mi s-a contorsionat de scarba si greata la gandul cum m-ar judeca societatea Hollywood-ului. O lacrima mi-a parasit ochiul cand am ales sa iau secretul cu mine in mormant si sa ard una dintre do...

    Completed   Mature
  • The Day One Direction Died
    2.2M 40K 25

    My name is Eleanor Calder. You might know who I am. I model, but millions of teenage girls knew me as the girl who dated Louis Tomlinson from One Direction. Yeah, I said dated. No we did not break up. How are we not together if we didn't break up? He died. Louis Tomlinson died. As well as: Niall Horan Liam Payne and H...

    Completed   Mature
  • Bad Boy - Harry Styles FF
    699K 29K 53

    Oras nou , liceu nou... si o dragoste adolescentina.Baiat rau , fata buna . El crede ca poate sa aiba orice fata , ea ii demonstreaza opusul . Se va infiripa o poveste de dragoste intre Caitlyn si Harry?Va trece ea peste toate abaterile pe care le face el?Il va ierta pentru toate minciunile si lucrurile ascunse?

  • Even Angels Die (One Direction)
    21.3K 654 29

    Five different girls, five different stories of grief, romance, heart-break, and happiness. One band that can bring them all together, one band that can give them a connection. "I miss you so much," Katy sobbed, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I can't be in a relationship with you, stupid." Elly rolled her eyes...

  • Baiatul Din Vecini | harry styles
    90.1K 3.5K 26

    PARTEA DOUA A APARUT “Soarele răsărit e prea strălucitor în ochii ei pierduți. “ -J.G O poveste de dragoste, drama si emotii. Avand impresia ca totul va fi bine si ca isi va gasi pacea sufleteasca alaturi de el, un obstacol teribil o impiedica din a isi trai visele. Dupa o intamplare dramatica totul pentru ea devine...

  • He Wasn't A Jerk Online (He Wasn't A Jerk #1)
    4M 76.1K 32

    ⁑⁑⁑ EDITING AS OF MARCH 2019 ⁑⁑⁑ [Winner in the 2012 Watty Awards for Undiscovered Gems]: ★ Read at your own risk. There are major grammar issues, plot holes and probably some really annoying stuff in this book. If you want to read a story written when I was 12, then please proceed. Major editing in process. ★ Ei...

  • Drowned feelings
    3.1K 398 10

    ... I trusted you, and you made me fall. © 2013 by _endless . All rights reserved .

  • Those Curls
    4.5M 37K 57

    Brooklyn was the girl everyone wanted to be. Smart, popular, sweet. That was until she got knocked up at sixteen. Now, two years later she has a beautiful little girl who favors her father's looks. Her father, though, isn't just anybody. He is Harry Styles. Things may have changed in two years, but have people? Will B...

  • Ghostly Tomlinson.
    189K 4.4K 35

    A ghost destroys Cassandra's life whilst Louis blindly tries to help her keep it together. ● Please note that this story is not well written. I still struggled with writing in english back when I wrote this, and it's not one of my greatest works. I'm keeping this one up as well because I thought the idea around was go...

  • 27 Tattoos - Română (Completă) - NEEDITATĂ
    674K 37.1K 67

    N.T. se mută în Cheshire după divorțul părinților săi. Locuiește acum, alături de mama sa, într-o parte bogată a orașului numit Holmes Chapel. Viața sa nu ar putea fi mai bună, cu notele perfecte, prezența completă și fundalul bogat. Asta până în momentul în care îi atrage atenția lui Harry Styles. Cunoscut pentru nu...

    Completed   Mature
  • volume off // harry styles
    13.5K 928 12

    { a t r e i a c a r t e d i n s e r i a m r s . x } ❝ Nu cred că am regretat ceva mai mult. Nu cred că m-am gândit vreodată să fac asta. Nu cred că asta era soluţia şi că merita. Dar pur şi simplu asta era prima variantă care mi-a trecut prin capul plin de amintiri. Speram ca măcar el să mă asculte şi să nu o fac...
