Doctor Who Quotes 2
More quotes from Doctor Who (in case the title was unclear). All rights to the BBC.
More quotes from Doctor Who (in case the title was unclear). All rights to the BBC.
I'm Ashley Febray a 13-year-old witch. Yes, you heard right, I'm a witch. Although nobody seems to care since I really never got my letter to Hogwarts when I turned 11, and I live in the streets homeless and without my parents. If you're wondering how I know I'm a witch and not a squib is because I've used my magic be...
If you have ever watched the show on BBC America you know that The Doctor is a very quirky character. Alongside his greatest enemies and other evil foes, I will show you 30 Ways To Piss Off The Cast Of Doctor Who. Thanks to everyone who has read my story :D
Do you have a death wish? Ever wanted to know how to piss off the members of the Harry Potter cast? Well now you know! 30 failproof ways to piss off Volde-er, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, Snape, Malfoy Jr. and Sr., Bellatrix, the Golden Trio, Umbridge, and many more. :)
Quotes from Doctor Who (in case the title was unclear). All rights to the BBC.