Le Joke Book
Feel the six pack coming!
Just don't get into the bone zone, it's very bonely.. I'm sorry, I'm not very humerus. Have a Sanstastic time reading the book! You won't regret it.. Okay, maybe. These are very cringe-worthy.
Gonna be a skeleton of skelepuns and they're gonna be really skelefun and I'm really just skeledone with my life because I'm not humerus and its makes me feel so sad to the point I get bonely because all of my friends left me because I say too many skelepuns and they're super cringe-worthy and that's not good, it alwa...
- This is a request !! - Germany x Italy! * * * * * We all know how Germany is about keeping things neat and tidy. And then we know how Italy is. ...And then we know how Italy is...