Suicide Quotes
sucide quotes
Hi my name is Olivia and I know no one will read this because no one cares about me or whatever I do and this is not a call out for attention so if someone does happen to to read this don't call me an attention whore or anything like that I just want to write sad quotes and to see if anyone else feels like I do so if...
This book is for those who suffer from Depression and/or Self-Harm. *Triggering Warning* *Not Suitable for Everyone!*
Possible Trigger Warning These are just quotes about depression, suicide, and self harm. Hope you enjoy. Oh, and sorry if some quotes are in there twice..
This book is to help those who are going through mental illnesses. I know we can get thought this together .( won't be my quotes but will tell u if they are) plz read x Warning ⚠️- there might be quotes that could be triggering
These are some of my favorite quotes and poems. Some of them are written by me but not all of them. If you suffer from SH, depression, suicidal thoughts, ED's or ANYTHING else I will always be there for you.
*MAY BE TRIGGERING* Hey guys, I just put together a collection of quotes which kind of express what I feel like and hope that you can relate to them too? If you need anybody to talk to, I'm always here. Night or day. Whenever.
My quotes are really shit I know, but let's go along with it. Like/vote/comment idk , this is my first fanfic , it's not like anyone is going to read this anyway. My life ~ "head up ,fake smile"
Sometimes what you had to do is be the best of you even if your breaking. Here are some quotes i made and took from google. Some quotes are mine and aren't mine.
"I'm not depressed. I'm just sad." These are quotes and thoughts from my own head. If they are not my own, I will state that.
Plz dont hate on this -Just a book about depression -Sad and Depression quotes/pictures
A bunch of quotes or poems; some I made up myself, others I found on the internet and music lyrics, that help me with my depression and anxiety. Hope they help and inspire you too. My poems cover the topics of depression, anxiety, self harm, suicide and more. So if this is a trigger warning for any of you, be cautiou...
Hey guys this book is full of poems i wrote about depression, anxiety, suicide and there will be some quotes here too so read if you would like. And if you guys read this could you vote or leave a comment? Cuz if no one does that I will think that no one reads it.
❝Just because someone is smiling doesn't mean they're happy. I mean, even a white rose has a dark shadow.❞ ⚠Trigger Warning⚠ This book contains things about suicide, self harm, and depression. Things that happen in real life occor in this book. May be triggering to some. ⚠Disclaimer⚠ I do not own anything, only a few...
Most of these quotes are ones I found on the internet and some I made up myself I will tell you when they are mine.
I always loved seeing people have quotes that apply to my life. Well, now I hope I help you with the same thing. If you struggle with depression, know that you aren't the only one
These are just some poems I wrote or found. I will let you know if I one of them. If you ever need to talk PM me. I might not be much help, but I will still try to help.
Just some quotes and poems. May be trigger warning. Enjoy. Because your beautiful