Jannah Uthman, a determined twenty-one-year-old, is on a relentless quest for justice for her deceased sister, a mission fueled by grief and the desire for retribution. As she delves deeper into the investigation, she crosses paths with Abdullah Abubakar Daggash, a brilliant state prosecutor known for his sharp intell...
"Babu wanda ya ke tsallake kaddararsa a rayuwa Adda. Duk abunda kika ga ya faru dake to Allah ya riga ya rubuta tun kafin kizo duniyan nan. Hakuri zakiyi sai kuma kiyi Addu'a Allah ya baki ikon cin wannan jarabawar. Amma wannan al'amari rubutacce ne" . . Tunda take bata taba zaton haka zai kasance da ita a rayuwa ba...
GIDAJEN MU novel ne dazai yi duba akan problems din da muke fuskanta a gidajen mu cikin society dinmu, akan aure, cuttutuka and zamantakewar mu ta yau da kullum. Shatuuu♥️
He looked at me with so much adoration in his eyes that made my stomach do double flips and my heart just melted. "I will shield you from all the harm in this world. I will make sure everyone accepts the shade of your skin and your brunette hair. You will never ever feel like you don't belong here anymore. You deserv...
He found her at the right time and she fell for him at the most unexpected time in her life. He made her feel loved, cared for. She was afraid to be with him due to his wild mistress, but he vowed to make her his wife, notwithstanding what they were facing.
labarin wata matashiyar yarinya ce budurwa! Wacce bata iya zaman Aure, a duk lokacin da ta kasance matar wani, sai ta yi sanadiyyar rasa rayuwarsa. hakan ya sanya ta zamo tamkar mujiya cikin jama a, wasu na kiran ta da mayya, wasu suce Aljana ce!. Ku biyo alkalamin Ashnur pyar dan jin gaskiyar lamarin.
Dan mutum yana maka wasa da dariya kuma ya nuna akwai aminci tsakanin ku ba lallai bane yana kaunar ka. Makashinka yana tare da kai, da dan gari ake cin gari... Ku biyo ni
Hilwa Haroun, a spirited girl from a small town in Nigeria, relocates to the bustling city of Abuja, hoping for a fresh start and new opportunities. However, adapting to her new life proves to be a challenging journey filled with unexpected twists. As she navigates the fast-paced lifestyle and the complexities of a bl...
Ruqayyah Ameen has always been her family's pride, cherished for her beauty, kindness, and unwavering dedication to tradition and religion. Strong yet sensitive, outspoken yet deeply connected to her roots, she has always followed the path her family laid out for her. But when she meets Al-Amin, her world is turned up...
Aasim Mukhtar Galadima And And Hafsa Abubakar Bulama; Two Strangers whom fathers are best friend. When they get married by knowing only each others names, things starts off on a rough path with Hafsa's gentle nature colliding with Aasim's arrogance but with time, he realizes his arrogance towards her was only to blind...
A naki tinanin zan bari ki zauna a gidan nan ke kadai....kin kwace min miji kin kwace yayyana yanzu kuma mai kike so gareni...Khairat, farin cikin yayyana shine farin ciki na duk mai son ya batamin ya taba farin cikina.....ku biyo dan sanin ya rayuwar KHAIRAT wanda ke cike da abubuwa daban daban soyyaya, tausayi....