This is a Tauriel and Kili fanfic. It is a story how they would meet in high school. Tauriel has always been the good girl. Kili was the new guy who wanted to fit in. What if the forbidden lovers met?
This is a Tauriel and Kili fanfic. It is a story how they would meet in high school. Tauriel has always been the good girl. Kili was the new guy who wanted to fit in. What if the forbidden lovers met?
The Hobbit: Battle of the Five armies has just occurred, Tauriel is in a grieving state of mind believing that Kili is gone for good. Kili, however is brought back by Thranduil, who out of love for Tauriel is sending him on a quest to gain immortality so that he may always be with his Tauriel. And she may never be wit...
"Tauriel... You cannot be her. She... She is far, far away from me. She lives in dreams and starlight in another world… it was a dream. Do you think she could’ve loved me?" ~~Kili~~ ~Desolation of Smaug~
What if Tauriel had faked Kili's death so she could escape from Mirkwood to live peacefully with her brown haired love? Mellon Nin is "my love" in elvish
In the weeks since the battle, Kili has kept his meetings with Tauriel secret. Yet when a fierce snowstorm looms, he would rather dare Thorin's displeasure than leave the exiled elf unsheltered on the mountainside. Once Tauriel enters Erebor, of course, it is only a matter of time before her feelings for the dwarven p...
"Let her live - in poverty, lonliness and fear. Let her wander Middle Earth, among strange towns and peoples. She will forever be in exile, homeless and hated."
Because we all know they need more to their story Pretty much what the tiitle says there are no major characters death including after the battle of the five armies. These stories are mostly set after The battle of the five armies. Happy reading p.s. I mostly wrote these stories for myself so if I publish them they mi...