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  • Compos Mentis [Rávamë's Bane: Book 2]
    40K 2.3K 18

    To put it mildly, Eleanor Dace is up to her pointy elven ears in shi*e. In the past few years she's managed to get herself stranded in Middle Earth, joined the Fellowship as its resident healer, and now it turns out she has an amnesia-suffering spirit of creation living inside her head. To make matters worse, the only...

  • Lapsus Memoriae [Rávamë's Bane: Book 1]
    85.8K 4.2K 27

    "You make no sense, lass. You look like an Elf, talk like a Man, eat like a Hobbit, curse like a Dwarf, and sleep like the Dead." Every Tolkien fan has a "Tenth Walker" in them - but Eleanor Dace hasn't read a word of Tolkien since she was thirteen and was still fantasising about adventuring in other worlds. Now she's...

  • Through Wind and Fire (LOTR)
    24.7K 1.1K 43

    The Elvenking and his son have watched as Mirkwood descends into darkness, as the Shadow grows every day. The strife of the past has branded them with hurts that cannot be forgotten and stings that seem to never fade, but it will not do to disremember them. The meandering passage called life has brought and will conti...

  • The Wild Ones (Lord of the Rings - Legolas)
    17.6K 623 12

    They are Silvan and they are dangerous. Travelling to Imladris on a mission for Thranduil, Legolas, or Taú, leads his group under the guise of a simple captain. Cultural differences and age-old prejudice will arise, and the Noldor's perception of the Silvan people will drastically change - but will it be for good or b...

  • Of Elves and Humans
    7.1K 326 9

    A short, simple trip to a human town turns out not so simple... Follow Legolas and his enthusiastic childhood friend through trials of life and love. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Pg-13 Set after the War of The Ring UNDER EDIT Cover by TheNighWalker ( @IamTheNightWalker ) The cover photo's artist is unknown as of now.

  • The Unexpected | LotR Fanfiction
    196K 6.4K 77

    "King Thranduil's voice rung out again, filling the area, 'And Legolas? Do not fail, she could be the tipping of the balance that Middle-earth needs.'" - Lumornel has always been a quiet girl, content with her nose stuck in a book or writing in her journal. She'd rather sit in a tree and read than leave the forests of...

  • Infinity Ring (Legolas Love Story)
    661K 24.7K 64

    LEGOLAS X OC. TENTH WALKER. Leigh Ann woke up in a forest with a strange ring on her finger and a blade on her neck. A medieval looking man and a certain elf prince came to her view and questions were left to be answered. HAPPY ENDING! Movie-verse. Heavy Fluff. Hurt/Comfort. #1 in lordoftherings ❤️ 3-1-2019 #1 in theh...

  • Thorns & Roses (Legolas Love Story)
    160K 6.5K 40

    LEGOLAS/OC. MOVIE VERSE. Desperate to save her father, Anastasia made a grave choice and struck a deal that eventually led her to be banished to Middle Earth. In grief, she thought all that was left of her was hatred. Revenge drove her to set on a journey with the Fellowship to destroy the One Ring once and for all, m...

  • New Dawn
    16.4K 887 40

    *sequel to The Unexpected | a LOTR/Legolas fanfic, SPOILERS BELOW* Nine years after the events of the War of the Ring, Lumornel has changed--forever. No longer trapped in the mortal body Sauron cursed her with, her abilities are stronger and more real than ever. Not only is she faced with the full unleashing of her p...

  • Unspoken ( A Legolas Love Story )
    367K 16.9K 54

    AFTER the Battle of Five Armies, an elf prince journeys to the north of Middle Earth in search of the mysterious Strider. But to also escape the grief of a 'love unspoken' as well as the oppressive regime of his father, King Thranduil. There among the Dúnedain, Legolas finds friendship, adventure, a sense of humor and...
