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  • Cómo Conseguir Más Lecturas, Votos, y Comentarios - Una Guía
    6.6K 784 8

    |ESTO ES UNA TRADUCCIÓN DIRECTA. Está escrito en primera persona, pero todo en el libro le pertenece a la autora original, @KatherineArlene. Tengo su permiso para realizar esta traducción. NO BUSCO CRÉDITO DE LOS CONSEJOS EN LA GUÍA| ¿Cómo consigo más lecturas, votos, y comentarios? Si te estás preguntando eso, entonc...

  • Cómo obtener lecturas, votos y comentarios
    911 137 8

    Revisa esta guia que probablemente tenga las respuestas que estás buscando sobre por qué no tienes muchos seguidores, votos o lectores.

  • Übersetzung "How To Get Reads, Votes, and Comments - A Guide"
    617 92 6

    Ein genialer Leitfaden von Katherine Arlene für Anfänger auf Wattpad - jetzt auch in der deutschen Sprache.

  • كيف تحصل على القراءات، الأصوات، التعليقات - دليل إرشادي
    2.4K 398 7

    "كيف يمكنك رفع عدد القراءات، الأصوات وكذلك التعليقات؟ ماذا يمكنك أن تفعل لتصل إلى القرّاء وتحفزهم للتعليق والتصويت لكتابك؟ وأيضا ما هي الطرق المختلفة التي يمكنك استخدامها للترويج لقصصك؟ هذا الكتاب هو ترجم لدليل صُنف الرقم 1 وتمت كتابته من قبل إحدى سفراء الواتباد التي فازت بمسابقة الواتي. وضعت الكاتبة الكثير من النصا...

  • যেভাবে রিড, ভোট এবং মন্তব্য পাওয়া যেতে পারে- একটি গাইড
    277 42 7

    (This is the Bengali version of 'How To Get Reads, Votes and Comments - A Guide' by Katherine A. Ganzel. The summary has been shortened due to character support issues.) কিভাবে আমি বেশি রিড, ভোট এবং মন্তব্য পেতে পারি? তুমি যদি নিজেকে এই প্রশ্নটি করে থাকো, সেক্ষেত্রে আমার কাছে এর কিছু উত্তর রয়েছে। পাঠকদের কাছে পৌঁছাত...

  • Nasıl okuma, oy ve yorum kazanılır ? - Rehber (ÇEVİRİ)
    1K 93 5

    (BU REHBERİN ASLI @ KatherineArlene TARAFINDAN YAZILMIŞTIR VE BU TÜRKÇE ÇEVİRİSİDİR. REHBER BİRÇOK DİLE ÇEVRİLMİŞTİR. YAZARI WATTPAD ÇALIŞANI VE @howtousewattpad HESABININ YÖNETİCİSİDİR.) Nasıl daha fazla okuma, oy ve yorum alabilirim? Eğer kendinizi bu soruyu sorarken buluyorsanız, o zaman sizin için bazı cevaplarım...

  • Jak Uzyskać Odczyty, Głosy i Komentarze na Wattpadzie! - Przewodnik
    7K 504 7

    Jak uzyskać więcej odczytań, głosów i komentarzy? Jeśli stwierdzisz, że zadajesz to pytanie, mam dla ciebie kilka odpowiedzi. Co możesz zrobić, aby dotrzeć do czytelników i potencjalnych czytelników? Jak możesz zachęcić czytelników do komentowania i głosowania? Jakie są różne sposoby promowania swoich historii? Ten pr...

  • Wattpad's Guide to Attracting Readers
    5.1K 343 6

    BEFORE YOU PUBLISH ANYTHING, READ THIS FIRST! Tips, tricks, clichés, and cheats on how to build up your stories and maximize your potential. Don't get discouraged. This book covers info I wish I had known when I first joined Wattpad.

    383 68 3

    Are you unable to continue your writing or feeling drained of creativity? This guide is filled with tips and tricks to help you slay writers block and get back your passion for writing.

  • Cara Mendapatkan Reads, Votes, dan Komentar - Sebuah Panduan
    47.5K 4.9K 8

    Panduan ini merupakan terjemahan dari How To Get Reads, Votes, and Comments - A Guide oleh @KatherineArlene --- "Bagaimana agar aku mendapatkan pembaca, votes, dan komentar?" Jika kalian bertanya-tanya hal tersebut, aku memiliki beberapa jawaban. Apa yang bisa kalian lakukan untuk menggapai para pembaca dan calon p...

  • Como conseguir mais leituras, votos e comentários - Um Guia
    2.2K 272 8

    Versão em Português - Brasil de How To Get Reads, Votes, and Comments - A Guide de Katherine Arlene

  • Wattpad에서는 좋아요, 읽는 사람, 그리고 댓글을 어떻게 받나요?
    161 6 2

    Original story by @KatherineArlene Korean Cover(Translation) by @SilvaSilver_Gaming

  • How I Frickin' Vote All The Time - A Rebuttal
    1.1K 313 1

    This is a rebuttal from me to Katherine. Cause it was ONE time!

  • How To Get Reads, Votes, and Comments - A Guide
    1.1K 116 6

    Version Française - French version Comment puis-je obtenir des lectures, votes, et commentaires ? Si vous vous demendez souvent cette question, j'ai quelques réponses à vous proposer. Que pouvez-vous faire pour atteindre les lecteurs ? Comment encourager les lecteurs à commenter et voter ? Quelles sont les différente...

  • Guide to Writing
    20.6K 629 33

    Whether a newbie or an expert, sometimes we all need a bit of advice! Here's a guide from the very basics to specific genres. I hope you enjoy!

  • كيف أحصل على قراء، تصويتات، و تعليقات - دليل.
    4.2K 587 3

    النسخة العربية - Arabic version "كيف أحصل على مشاهدات ؟" "كيف أزيد معدل التصويت ؟" "كيف أشجع القارئين على التعليق ؟" إن كنت تملك أي من هذه الأسئلة ،فهذا الكتاب سيمنحك الإجابة المناسبة لها. -نصائح. -كتاب للمساعدة. -مُترجَم. [الترجمة متوقفة] Trans; @_Dormivelgia writer; @KatherineArlene •All rights go to the real author...

  • FAQ
    26.2K 1.1K 3

    The Wattpad Talent Scouts answer your most frequently asked questions.

  • Advice From Writers
    89.9K 6.3K 23

    As Talent Scouts, we get to talk and interact with many different writers every day. We are always listening and learning from these interactions, and we see how every Wattpad journey is unique and how different strategies work for different people. We are very happy to share some of this advice and experiences with y...

  • Introducing the Class of 2018!
    1.8K 95 8

    Meet the Wattpad authors who are about to take the publishing world by storm with the debuts of their novels in 2018.

  • Transforming Your Writing Life With Wattpad
    452 46 5

    I've been drawn to writing since childhood. It's the only serious dream I've ever had. And yet, if you'd asked me about my writing ambitions a few years back, I probably would have told you I'd missed my best shot at ever completing a manuscript draft. Boy, was I wrong. In 2014, I embraced writing on my phone with W...

  • Edit like an Editor: A Wattpad Featured Guide ✔
    195K 12K 111

    *A WATTPAD FEATURED GUIDE* *Highest Ranking #5 in Non-Fiction's HOT List* *Ranked #1 in #how-to, #1 in #editor, #1 in #publishing, and #1 in #grammar* • Do you find yourself with too many typos? • Do grammar and spelling tools not always find your slip-ups? • Is English grammar just not your thing? • Are you a victim...

  • Writing Tips and Techniques (Writing Help)
    212K 11.8K 37

    Writing help from an English/Creative Writing major. This is practically a free writing class. It's full of useful writing tips and tricks that I've picked up in my writing career/common mistakes found while editing others' work. I hope you can find use out of this. I add to it every time I think of something else tha...

  • Writing POC 101
    580K 25.9K 87

    An advice book on how to successfully write POC characters by Wattpad authors. [Highest rank: #1 in Non-Fiction]

  • So You Want to Write a Book? Crucial Advice for the First Time Writer
    106K 5.4K 6

    So, I was doing a critique tonight. And it was the person’s first book. And I was writing a bunch of the same things that I’ve written on a million other critiques since I started on Wattpad. And, it occurred to me that I keep giving people the same advice—advice that nobody gave me—and advice that beginner writer’s N...

  • How to Write Stories People Will Love
    488K 49.5K 145

    If you're a writer struggling to improve your craft, this book can help. It breaks down the basics of a good story and good writing. It'll also provide a few tips on how to stay motivated. There's no magical formula for instantly likable stories, but you can lay a strong foundation for a future full of writing that fu...

  • Community Guidebook
    77.7K 765 8

    Ambassadors are known for always being there to answer questions or offer guidance and assistance in your time of need. But that's a very small part of what we do. We're also here to help make your Wattpad experience the very best it can be.

  • Update & Notes
    39.2K 2.9K 30

    The iOS App Store release notes are now a story. If you missed the latest app update, you can catch up with the adventures of Update & Notes here!

  • How to Become a Better Writer: A Wattpad Guide
    435K 19.6K 67

    Some basic writing tips to help you become a more effective storyteller.

  • Chasing Wattpad
    121K 15K 85

    Is Wattpad a good or bad thing? Are the people on here writers or do they just think they are? Whatever your answer to those questions there are a lot of mysteries surrounding Wattpad and the people that choose to write here. Every day thousands of you get on your computer and chase Wattpad all day long looking for so...