Avatar: Quaritch backstoryby Captain_scorpio19
One night I had dream where I saw this story from first perspective. I wasn't sure what is it but when names started appearing I knew what could it be.
It's not real, a...

The Anomaly Driftby Electra🚬🕸️
In the depths of uncharted space, Captain Ivan Orin and his crew aboard the Erebus and are on a mission to decode a mysterious distress signal from a possibly ancient, u...

Avatar: Historia Quaritcha PLby TobyPrime
Pewnej nocy miałem sen, w którym widziałem tę historię z pierwszej perspektywy. Nie byłem pewien, co to jest, ale kiedy zaczęły pojawiać się nazwiska, wiedziałem, co to...

Torentium Genisissby SaberSavage
In the year 2674 a man named John will become one of the greatest soldiers ever known. the human race has expanded among the sta...

2132by SinusQuell
[unfinished] Humanity discovers a planet covered with fungal growth in the alpha centauri system and a probe brings back some samples to study on earth. They start their...