#1LOVE HURTby anastiaclaire5011st entry in 21st Century Literature -Lyric Poetry21centuryliteraturestemlyricpoetry+2 more #2Love Onesby mcmacinas2111st entry in 21st century literature -Lyric Poetryg11galileog11stemlyricpoetry+1 more #3Dark japanby gabriel minatozaki11031st entry in 21st Century Literature -Ghosts story21centuryliteratureghostsstorystem+1 more #4My happy pillby hyungrine1410011st entry in 21st Century Literature -Lyric poetrylyricpoetryg11galileo21stcentury+2 more #5Everlasting Love of My Motherby khenleysioson4011st entry in 21st Century Literature -Lyric Poetry21centuryliteratureg11galileolyricpoetry+1 more #6You Me Together Foreverby deguzmanMarlie7111st entry in 21st Century Literature -Lyric Poetrystem21centuryliteratureg11galileo+1 more #7Unknownby IntrovertBearrr601Othy is an introvert and having a boring lifestyle until he met a girl named Mina.21centuryliterature #8l am aloneby gabriel minatozaki5011st entry in 21st Century Literature -Lyric Poetrystemlyricpoetry21centuryliterature+1 more #9LOVE?by maryruthromero5111st entry in 21st Century Literaturelyricpoetry21centuryliteraturestem+1 more #10My Sunshineby Rofeaespinosa2011st entry in 21st Century Literature -Lyric Poetrystemlyricpoetry21centuryliterature+2 more