The Indomitable Master of Elixirs by Nazmae Gino
She is the twenty-fourth century's strongest immortal cultivator, but transferred into a world of magic where demons roamed rampant; a punching bag tyrannize...
Star Trek: Bellerophon (Season 1 E...by Jacob Thomas
In 2370 The U.S.S. Bellerophon NCC-74705 Is Launched With A Crew Of 153 It Embarks On Its First Mission The Crew Is Excited Everyone Is And This Is How It Begins
Star Trek: Sovereign (Season 1 Epi...by Jacob Thomas
A Young Corbannian Named Dravin Is Walking To A Medical Facility But He Is So Fatigued He Can Barely Stand He Eventually Reaches A Cave Housing Three Aliens Who Call The...
Star Trek: Sovereign (Season 1 Epi...by Jacob Thomas
The Sovereign Is Dispatched To The Eri Tranos Nebula Which Is Filled With Booby Traps Placed There By The Terran Empire In 2303
With The USS Bellerophon When They Encoun...
The Torres Twins | A Tom Paris Fan...by Nat
B'Elanna and K'Ehleyr Torres are twin sisters, they're identical twins except in some physical features and their attitudes, K'Ehleyr is more level headed than her siste...
Star Trek: Phoenix (Season 1 Episo...by Jacob Thomas
Stardate 67141.3 February 1st 2390 Captain Khejon Of Argive A Native Xenexian From The Planet Xenex He Is A Xenexian-Vulcan Hybrid
His Father Was Xenexian And His Mothe...
Her Past | Harry Potter x Star Tre...by Nat
The Potter's aren't who people think they are. Well kind of, the Potter's are witches and wizards only, James Potter, Lily Potter and Harry Potter are from the 24th cent...
Doctor Who: The Wrath Of The Daleksby Jacob Thomas
The TARDIS Lands On A Spaceship In 2374 Thats En Route To A Spacestation And The Crew Meet The Doctor And Amy While The Ship Is On Course To Its Destination The Ship Enc...
Star Trek: Avalon (Season 1 Episod...by Jacob Thomas
In The Year 2380 Things Change A Lot The Crew Of The U.S.S. Avalon NCC-79326 Time Flies Join The Crew As They Embark On Their Very First Mission
Star Trek: The Next Generation "Un...by Jacob Thomas
Stardate: 44002.3 January 2nd 2367 The U.S.S. Melbourne Is Called Away From Its Mission To Report To Wolf 359 Immediately When The Melbourne Arrives The Federation Is Al...
Star Trek: Sovereign (Season 1 Epi...by Jacob Thomas
A Federation Runabout Launched From The U.S.S. Galaxy Disappears Into A Rift The Rift Leads To Phoenix Arizona On March 13th 1997 The Sovereign Goes Back In Time Making...
Star Trek: Sovereign (Season 1 Epi...by Jacob Thomas
Triax A Sikaran Ambassador Greets The Crew Of The U.S.S. Sovereign When The Crew Beam Down Triax Detects Violent Thoughts From Korell While He Is Talking To Jiran Who Is...
Doctor Who: The Sky Academy by Jacob Thomas
The TARDIS Lands On A Platform That Leads To A Floating School In 2379 The Doctor Shows Sunny Around And Sunny Takes In Its Immaculate Sights Until They Discover A Stran...
Star Trek: Future Frontier (Season...by Jacob Thomas
The Year Is 2500 And The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-J Has Officially Been Launched And Embarks On Its Maiden Voyage Under The Command Of Captain Raphael Vaughn And They...
Star Trek: Serenity (Season 1 Epis...by Jacob Thomas
Stardate: 47358.9 The Prometheus Class
U.S.S. Serenity NCC-75290 Is Launched From Utopia Planitia Shipyards And A While Later The Crew Respond To A Distress Call From T...
Star Trek: Sovereign (Season 1 Epi...by Jacob Thomas
The U.S.S. Sovereign Comes Across An Assimilated Sovereign Class Starship The U.S.S. Artemis NCC-79474 And The Entire Crew Have Been Converted Into Drones
Star Trek: Nova (Season 1 Episode...by Jacob Thomas
In 2370 The Nova Is Dispatched To The Koleb System In Sector 38953 Of The Gamma Quadrant To Look For The Long Lost U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-B Which Was Last Heard From...
Star Trek: Phoenix (Season 1 Episo...by Jacob Thomas
Two Ships From The 23rd Century But In Two Separate Years End Up In The 24th Century Circa 2390 And Come Across The U.S.S. Phoenix NCC-73137 After Four Time Ships Got Lo...
One way trip to Marsby teenhug007
The title may sound like on of those mainstream science fiction tales storming the internet but this tale is about a love story 300 years from now.The earth 3 centuries...
Star Trek: Appalachia (Season 1 Ep...by Jacob Thomas
The Year Is 2371 And The U.S.S. Appalachia NCC-64371 Has Been Launched And Captain Elvira Clendenning Has Been Selected As Its Captain After The Destruction Of Her Previ...