The Enigmatic Pyramid, Gateway To...by Nature Dash
In her thrilling adventure, a young girl embarks on a quest for magic, accompanied by her friends, including her sister. Their journey takes an unexpected turn when her...
Fate's Invisible Thread by Nature...by Nature Dash
The Red Thread of Fate connects souls destined to be together, no matter the trials of time or space. But for Phoenix, fate's lesson begins with betrayal. After taking t...
Edla's Expedition to Explore the H...by Nature Dash
⚠This Story Is Full Of Imagination & Not A Real Theory.
Set in the year 2250,
The storyteller (Edla) embarks on a journey across various locations on Earth, engaging in...
Mafia or a Policeman? - Short Storyby Nature Dash
|| One Day Adventure That Transformed Their Lives. ||
Once upon a time, a wealthy girl named Jessica embarked on a journey to Karnataka to attend her English lessons. Al...