Cloud Covered Starsby 𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐞.
how i feel when i write, you ask?
just like how rain washes away the dry of earth,
just like the sun rays that absorbs the cold of bitter winter,
just like the first bl...
The new name for his virus, the SpragueThomson
It isn't just the president of the land of the free, who now finally has got his own bone spur war. All over the World our so-called leaders miss the boat to prepare, to...
the corona report by SpragueThomson
The inflammation infected all the way into the White House, where the piss stained prick could only admit to his very incompetence and get the load of his very own words...
abracadalgebra by SpragueThomson
The equasion in which the subtract is the deduction from itself leaves but the emptiness of the void. We may speak, however when we just speak out in the wilderness, we...
the hambone actorsby SpragueThomson
The handpuppets who play their role inside the facade. Those who retreat without being responsible for their gentrification, gerrymandering, racism and fascism. There's...
hoarfrost rimeby SpragueThomson
The omnipresent state of division. The haves who cannot have any more, crave to obtain all, nothing left for the have nots, who have nothing, nothing to lose but their f...
cross stitch word by SpragueThomson
The embroidery of families past the portals of our earthly demise, found in the lace, the thread from the spool, as the one to be de tangled. The blood left in the thimb...
crowning humanity with coronaby SpragueThomson
In 2007 an outbreak of a so-called mysterious disease struck certain parts of the Netherlands, it was much later diagnosed as Q-fever. Not so mysterious because it was d...
Out-field Catchby SpragueThomson
The surprise of the unexpected. The out of field catch. Caught in the act. Not a silk glove but a leather one. My old Spalding fielders glove. The hitting pattern is alw...
Image Event Irony Yeastby SpragueThomson
The celebration of the liberty brain pick. We submit to the nefarious kings of the wish to be seen. Their platforms provide the opium which sedates the masses with their...
butt app shadowby SpragueThomson
A shadow cast by an endorsement of electronic gerrymandering so obvious that even the blind will start to see for the brazen miracle. Yet another mayor is caught in the...
rounded circleby SpragueThomson
The clock beating away for the injustice of denial, the purposeless ticking for the illusion of safeguarding the time over future and past. In the now there is but the e...
abandoned by SpragueThomson
What else is the post-apocalyptic than a blessing for nature because of the demise and extinction of the human race.
virusby SpragueThomson
The uncertainty of disease shows the vulnerability of our society which is so transfixed on security guarantees and protocols. No such thing can prevent the emergence no...
riveter paletteby SpragueThomson
The blessing of our eyes as observers of beauty seeing art in what we pass by everyday and wouldn't cherish if it weren't for true friends who share such a gift.
the snareby SpragueThomson
The outcast feeling of being rejected in general, the hurt it brings and how it is enlarged under the electron microscopes of our anti-social media. If only the Mark Zuc...
when life fleetsby SpragueThomson
The looker-on observing how life dissipates into the nothing of an empty body of a loved one.