Beyond Reach: Discover the Unseen...by Sakib8223
"Beyond Reach" brings you closer to America's hidden gems, untouched landscapes, and lesser-known stories. Dive into the fascinating wonders, off-the-beaten-pa...
For Those Who Understand; The Subu...by laurencastro08
A play on words, this poem is fully ambiguous it has many meanings and is open to interpretations
School across galaxies (16+)by zam
A school in the alternate universe where students get 5 lectures of break , no maths exam cuz why not and they get to use mobiles during lectures , the only problem is t...
Thanksgiving Day In U.S.A. 🇺🇸by Venus
Some guys from a travel agency will travel to the US to celebrate Thanksgiving in the country of origin of Thanksgiving, they will experience the authentic Thanksgiving...