Hannah Russell: The American Snake...by Yugifuu
Hannah Russell (20), a young American herpetologist who is fascinated with snakes. She determined to find and documented new snake species that was not described or not...
Herping Snakesby Thunderzero
This is the story of the American herpetologist named Alicia Reeves, a 20-year-old American herpetologist who is preparing to find some snakes that hasn't been discover...
Sarah Higgins: The American Snake...by Yugifuu
Sarah Higgins is a 20-year-old American snake herper who is a young herpetologist who specialized in snakes. She is on a quest to find and document new species of snake...
Rhea Newfield: The American Snakem...by Thunderzero
Rhea Newfield is an American herpetologist, wildlife photographer and naturalist. She specialized in documenting and photographing all kinds of snakes including new spec...
Cricket Anatomy Detailed Guide & D...by bhagwan das
The cricket insect is a type of living organism that can be found across the world. These insects are commonly found in grassy areas and are recognizable by the sound th...
ART ATTACKby chaiteanotcoffee
look guys i have many unfinished stories and what is better than to fix that? yup! you said it! start an art book that I'll probably just update once in a blue moon...fu...
Animal Planetby Lady Sunshine
Read a 14-day devotional/series about all of the famous animals within the Bible and the significance they have.
Uh hi um this is just some random story that my mind came up with 😅 also it is very Very C R I N G E so yeah. Plus I will be adding at least 1 part every week until I...