A Tale of the Corvids Robin Red Br...by reecejoker
A fantastical short story about a hierarchical system of birds known as the "Corvids". Our tale picks up at a time of power changing feathers and the process o...
Of Moons and Birdsby KylaHearting
The moon who fell in love with the song of a nightingale. A sacrificial love the bird will never even know about.
Whatever can be of a moon who falls in love with a bird?
Animal Crossingby ChibiZayn
Welcome to Animal Crossing. This story follows a young, smart girl named Ari, who has moved into Animal Town.
Asuka & Torikiruby Brainy_Blastoise
Volume 1: The Village Of The Assiduous Animals
In the city of Miasako, fraternal twins, Asuka and Torikiru, are dreaming of the day that they can step outside the gates...