Bet on Love is a poignant and emotionally charged novel that explores the complexities of love, trust, and betra...
The Window Seatby Pinky
"The Window Seat" is a tender high school romance that follows Mia, a quiet artist, and Ethan, the popular soccer player who feels trapped by expectations. The...
The Art Of Believing (Yang Jeongin...by Faye
Jeongin is a talented illustrator who specializes in whimsical, fantasy-style artwork. His art has always been his form of expression, but he struggles with self-doubt...
Whispers of Winterby ivyycore
In a charming snow-covered village, Clara, a warm-hearted innkeeper, prepares for the magical winter market. Caught between two captivating men
Ethan, a mysterious artis...
The Dream Was Beautiful Till the T...by Akash Ashu
Rajveer, a talented artist in India, crosses paths with Avi, a photographer from Canada, through the serendipity of social media. What begins with a simple comment on In...
Against All Odds: A Love Tested by...by NIMLO
Emily, a passionate artist, and Jason, a driven tech entrepreneur, meet by chance on a rainy evening in New York City. Their chemistry is instant, and they quickly fall...
beyond happinessby Mei
In a bustling city, where the relentless rhythm of life often drowns out the whispers of the soul, a single raindrop splattered against a windowpane, mirroring the chaos...
Whispers in the Lightby Book Things
In the quiet corners of a prestigious California university, two souls find solace in an art room bathed in soft, natural light. Aria, a talented yet reserved artist, hi...
Whispers of the Heart: A Love Stor...by Ain Bali
Whispers of the Heart: A Love Story Unveiled" follows the journey of Emma, a spirited artist, and Oliver, the owner of a charming bookstore in the quaint town of Wi...
A Love Written in the Starsby ALI ISHRAT
Evelyn Harper, a heartbroken writer struggling with her past, meets Lucas, a mysterious artist who helps reignite her creativity and hope. Just as their love deepens, he...
Love in the City of Dreamsby
In the vibrant city of New York, aspiring artist Sophia Thompson chases her dreams, only to find herself swept off her feet by enigmatic entrepreneur Alexander Reed. As...
never ending love for photographyby Varshhhhaaa
In the charming town of Lumina, young photographer Elara captures life's fleeting beauty through the lens of her father's old film camera. When she meets Aidan, a painte...