Veil of Radiance by Muhammad zoreaz Siddiqui
Title: Veil of Radiance
"In a world of light, Only shadows reveal the truth"
In a city where feelings enlighten the world and flawlessness is revered...
Through The Lens Of Loveby Julianna Principe
Title: Through the Lens of Love
Genre: Romance, Drama
Aspiring photojournalist Mira Santiago dreams of capturing stories that matter. She spends her days takin...
Love's Eternal Brushstrokes: The A...by Bright Agbomanyi
"Love Beyond Time: The Amelia and Ethan Saga" is an enchanting tale that begins with a serendipitous meeting in a bustling café, takes readers on a journey thr...
Echoes Of Aureliaby Solara8winD
In the bustling heart of a metropolitan city, Felix Everhart, a talented yet unknown painter in his mid-20s, dreams of fame and recognition. His chance for a breakthroug...
Mangaka's Devilby Hirohiko Horikoshi
"Isn't your dedication to my work beyond professionalism?"
There are two sides to a cartoonist/mangaka: the part that the public sees and the part that is hidd...
"Beyond the Brushstrokes" is a heartwarming tale of self-discovery and growth. Alex, a talented artist, embarks on a journey to overcome her past and find her...
Canvas of Loveby Aman Singh Rajput
"Canvas of Love"
In the bustling metropolis of Mumbai, two souls from contrasting backgrounds find themselves drawn together by the unyielding force of love. A...
"Flame-Kissed Desire: Intense Heat...by Ain Bali
"Flame-Kissed Desire: Intense Heat, Intense Love" follows the intertwining paths of Ella, a spirited artist seeking inspiration in the urban jungle, and Alex...
BLUES AND GREYS.A depression storyby sassie quinzel
In a monochrome city, where the line between shadows and light is as thin as a heartbeat, Emily Harris grapples with the haunting specters of depression. Her world, pain...
Forbidden Desiresby leasea123
In a world divided by caste, Aria, a gifted artist from the lower class, and Aiden, the privileged heir to the elite, ignite a forbidden love that challenges the oppress...
"Canvas of Love: A Tale of Two Hea...by Bestie4life8
Set against the bustling backdrop of New York City, 'Canvas of Love' follows the journey of Emily, a spirited young artist, and Liam, a dedicated architect, as they navi...
Shattered horizon's by Faith4191354
"Shattered Horizons" is a captivating novel that follows the extraordinary journey of Sky, a young girl from Uganda who moves to London with her m...
The Dance of Resilienceby Gyan Arora
The story follows Kalicharand Adhikari, a talented dancer, as he embarks on a journey to save his village folk dance from evil western dancers who are trying to erase hi...
Fading Starsby a7meeeed
In the quiet town of Willowbrook, two wounded souls find solace in each other's pain. Emma Turner, a talented but tormented artist, carries a heavy secret t...
Fragments of Eternity by Ronan
Elara, a passionate artist, finds solace in her work, channeling her emotions into vivid, striking paintings. Kael, haunted by a broken marriage and estranged family, st...
This story is a poignant tale of resilience, friendship, and the pursuit of dreams amidst adversity. Mia, a young girl facing abuse and neglect from her father, finds so...