Taming The Tigress (Heiress Series...by Hellish_15
Her name is Ashriel Jaezz Yu, she is rich, popular, intelligent, and of course hot and sexy. Too many men and women who will fantasize in her sexy body and will fall in...
Promiscuelby E
Ashriel never asked to rescue Damiel - He was assigned. When he meets the human theolophile, Malory “Lory" Kah, and the Nephilim, Ario Pacrifa, he is dragged into a...
Toaster in the Tub Clubby Upsetti Psghetti
A super cool group chat story you should read because I'm adorable and it's about as gay as me. It might offend you if you're easily offended, so like you were warned.
I Didn't Want to Hurt You (Ashriel)by VanillaBean
An AU where, when people fall in love, they know immediately; but only by that person's pain.
{Short Story}
Fanfiction about Ariel Bloomer and Ash Costello. I'm sorry in...