Ethereal Echoes: Chronicles of the...by Ki Op
In the boundless expanse of the astral plane, where the veil between the mortal realm and the ethereal domain wavers, a tale of mystic revelations and celestial upheaval...
A Little More Curious by Lotus
Hello all!
This story is based on the theory of astral projection. Zuana is a 15 year old girl from the city of velnah. Her dad died earlier when she was...
Enter the Astral Realmby BabyHarpSealsAreCool
This is just a short word painting of your encounter in the world of the mind and soul - the Astral Realm.
Cover Photo: https://pin.it/5VHpWUH
Background Photo: https:...
The Astral Project by Ojemjem
Alex's life changed at 16 when he suddenly began going in and out of the astral realm. Unknown to him,He was the reincarnation of a brutal war lord,he was sent back from...
Astral Adventureby korvid
this will be where i log my comings and goings in the astral. i don't mind questions, but i won't tolerate hate. if you don't know how to be respectful...
Astralby undersugar
Ryan never thought things could go this way.
His life was pretty normal for a 12 year-old, apart from spirit sights when he was younger and unusual lucid dreams he alway...
Its only a lucid dream.by glittereater6
It's February 21st, 2021. Stella (14) has always been a very big fan of fantasy and imaginative things of all sort, but lately she's been having visualizations, but it t...
Astral Projection, Dreams, and Shi...by :P
An essay I decided to write and share because I feel as if I have made a revolutionary discovery that probably isn't all revolutionary