Air Akuma by CT Frosty
Set in a world where the oceans dominate the earths surface, humanity's innovation led to the creation of a vessel to rule both the sky and the ocean, The seaplane.
Hidden Truths: Codename Vby NorthernKnight
Taking place directly after A Gathering of Friends, North reunites with his old childhood friend, Aurelian aka Decimus. North returns to his duties as Vinview Champion w...
Aurelian (Dramione)by Hermione Jean Malfoy neé Gran...
THIS IS NOT MINE originally from so I've republished this because Dramionehub deleted this here awhile ago. and please enjoy the story as I did.
Two years...
The 132nd Round of Tortureby Tragic Survival
Aurelian lives in a world divided by districts. The Hunger Games is a common threat for anyone and everyone. Life is bad for everyone expect for the Capitol citizens. Di...