The Genzaiby Pristine
what happens when a woman who doesn't care about the world gets along with the man watching her turn her back on the world.

"Fake Love"by achiibii♡
"Is love even real, i wonder?
It's all fake love. "
When Jans met Aviel, he currently fell inlove with her- love at first sight, maybe? But he never thought t...

Sister Vermilionby ThtSoMel
Mavis, you told me once that the only way to live is to love. I never understood that... I never understood how you could love a guild more than your own life. How you c...

Loving You Painfully by era
• an intense feeling of deep affection.
• feel deep affection for (someone).
• a great interest and pleasure in something.
What Is True Love?
1. Love Is Uncon...