#1Ode to a Swimming Poolby wemaurer411An ode pertaining to a Swimming pooljillmaurerdebbieharfstrichardsonmarygrieb+3 more #2What am I Thankful Forby wemaurer111Couplets about being thankfulbonnemaurerdebbieharfstrichardsonjohnmaurer+5 more #3I Miss Baseballby wemaurer511A haiku pertaining to baseball during the Coronavirusjohnmaurerharfstrichardsonjillmaurer+4 more #4Maggie's Bluesby wemaurer001Free verse about a girl named Maggiejillmaurerjohnrichardsonbonnemaurer+1 more #5Yellowjackets: A Horror Sonnet by wemaurer401Story about a picnic gone awrybobgriebjohnrichardsondebbieharfstrichardson+4 more #6The Panther and the Jaguarsby wemaurer001A sonnett about a male on the prowlbonnemaurerjohnrichardsondebbieharfst+3 more #7The Invisible Catby wemaurer401A sonnet about an invisible cat,jillmaurermarygriebbobgrieb+3 more #8Kevin Pillar Versus Cincinattiby wemaurer201Haiku about one SF Giants catchjillmaurerdebbieharfstrichardsonbobgrieb+3 more #9Scoopsby wemaurer101Free verse of examples of scoopsjillmaurerdebbieharhstrichardsonbobgrieb+2 more #10Taos Lightningby wemaurer203a little history of Taos Lighningjohnrichardsonjillmaurermarygrieb+3 more #11It's Hard Eneoughby wemaurer301Sonnettt about things mot always going rightjillmaurerkatiebirdmarygrieb+7 more #12The Scare Crowby wemaurer001Free verse short story about a scare crowdebbieharfstrichardsonbobgriebjohnrichardson+5 more #13John Lennon's Jukeboxby wemaurer001Poem about John Lennon's jukeboxjohnrichardsonbonnemaurermarygrieb+5 more #14The Snail and the Inchwormby wemaurer701Sonnet about a snail and an inchwormbonnemaurerpennyniadnajohnrichardson+7 more #15From the Range to Town on a Rough...by wemaurer401A sooner about a cowboy's rough daybonnemaurermarygriebbobgrieb+3 more #16Raccoonsby wemaurer301Acrostic poem about raccoonspennyniadnabobgriebmarygrieb+4 more #17Mom Prayed for You and Meby wemaurer001poem about my mother and all those she prayed forpennyniadnajohnrichardsonjillmaurer+6 more #18Was There Any Benefit in Thatby wemaurer001A Sonnettt about my breakfastbogriebjillmaurermarygrieb+3 more #19Jack Irishby wemaurer101Acrostic poem about TV, movie, and crime novel character, Jack Irishjillmaurerdebbieharfstrichardsonbonnemaurer+3 more #20Cowboysby wemaurer302Sonnettt about some of my favorite cowboysbobgriebjohnrichardsonjillmaurer+6 more