The Gypsy King and The Silent Jest...by JetCycle
Devetrix was your average actress. The drama department she was apart was doing a play on the Disney Movie, The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Now this is where you may think...
Paris Will Break Your Heartby Charlotte
Clopin Trouillefou has grown accustomed to dealing with the wild, free spirited young Esmeralda. But how can he possibly help this time? The city of Paris is a dangerous...
All That I Ever Lovedby aungalus
Notre-Dame de Paris hears all. The Lady's curving pillars and statutes listen silently to all sins of its confessors, hiding them away into the cold stone of her walls...
Thoughts of a Friend (Hunchback of...by Origami Pen
This is based off of Hunchback of Notre Dame the Musical. It is the thoughts of Clopin Trouillefou throughout the musical as he watches Esmeralda's actions. They will no...