#1Poetryby Poet-tree302A book with my best poems.coronavirusviruscovid19emotions+3 more #2YOU ARE DEAD COVIDby Struggling_Human4602I know I posted this on my other book but I think it'll be easier to group all of the corona related stuff in one bookhumanpowerpleasesharewecandoit+3 more #3Coffee and Quarentineby Alex401I'm lowkey having a self-quarantine crisis <3covid-19collegemidnightcrisis+2 more #4The Coronavirus Conspiracy Theory by DIVINEsauce231201Korea's Mission of World Dominationwarfaresciencetheendoftheworld+8 more #5"If My People...."by mjalltheway041905All the things going on in today's world Wealth Racism Sickness , etc But all these things need a solution and here's minebreonnataylorblmjusticeforpeace+20 more