The Forgotten Descent - A Short St...by C. Raymond Ruiz
In a realm where reality wanes and mystery blossoms, a man named Anodos awakens. Pulled from the fabric of his existence, he finds himself in an otherworldly garden call...
Galactic Riddles; The Unseen Chapt...by Sandra de wild
Embark on an interstellar journey where forgotten planets, ancient civilizations, and misunderstood signals collide in "Stellar Echoes." Join the quest to unve...
Echoes of lightby Mimi Dreams
Kael floats weightlessly through an endless sea of stars, where time is a distant memory and freedom feels infinite. The universe whispers its secrets, and yet, somethin...
Free book - The Chronicles of Cani...by Olav_J
"Step into the world of Canes Venatici where the boundaries of science and mysticism blur and the fate of an entire system hangs on the discovery of a single truth...
World of Glass. by MonsterArmy21st
In the city of Neir, knowledge is revered, mystery is feared, and the world is bordered by the enigmatic Crystal Edge-a shimmering boundary beyond which lies the unknown...
Echoes from Orionby Xozzy4
2187: A mysterious signal from Orion pierces the silence of space. As Earth's sun dims, the "Celestial Voyager" embarks on humanity's most daring journey. Awai...