A Skyrim Adventure: Return of The...by William "Ulfr" Bailey
Mercer Lyuss, a thief working for the guild in Riften, got more than he bargained for in one of his daily 'jobs'.
Up Northby Corwin Aullman
Peter Biddell has a plan--a plan that will get him the power he craves, the power he has always deserved, enough power that she will finally see his greatness and stand...
I live for you.by Sofia
A damaged agent of fate, whos taken all she can is sent to ensure a certain chain of events in a modern world. While she morns for her past lover, she begins to see the...
Юүдэнтэй залууby Amy0415
'Сэрүүлгэ дуугараад байна хурдан босоорой'гэж зүүдэлсээр сэрлээ.Үүрийн 5цаг 'Ашгүй хэн ч сэрээгүй байна. Чимээгүй явахыг хичээгээрэй' гэсээр гэрээсээ гарлаа Ингэхэд цэцэ...
Batman: Duty of the Cowl [A DEFEND...by The_Sumner
[This is an early work. It will have problems by the many. Thanks]
One night, at the very start of his career, something happened. Something the Batman has regarded as o...
Despair EllaXSimon CowellXHarry St...by
Ella was a piete misterous girl and she was the cutest girl in the hole world. Its no wonder that simon cutie and harry style is so in love with her, tee hee. She is jus...