Ancient Shadowsby Jessie Lakes
The story begins in 15th century Austria and follows two brothers of noble birth as they become vampires, learn about the origins of the vampire and navigate the followi...
AMID LIGHT AND DARKNESS, the inaugural volume of THE CELESTIAL MYSTERIES SERIES, reveals an expansive chronicle teeming with suspense, heart-pounding action, and breatht...
The Genesis Flood Narrative & Eli-of-Kittim
Taking the Bible literally can lead to unrealistic and outrageous conclusions. It's important to stress that a refutation of the historical flood narrative is not a refu...
Conditions of the COVID Hinduism Now Global Press
"The Kings will mostly be thieves."
Intelligent Stupid [COMPLETED]by Gorgeous-Mharynnex
A girl that concerned about nature, environment and her surroundings, A girl that giving her best to be perfect and intelligent. A girl that knowing nothing and a girl t...
X-men Evolution (Elements Style)by The Froony of Froonyville
Sup. This is the story of me, the elements woman. FEEL MY FIRE POWER!! WHOOOOO! But putting my oddness aside, this is the story of how I ate a sandwich and joined the X...