The Hope Bringer in St Freya Acade...by Kuroki Jinbei
In a world where monstrous calamities fighting against humanity due to advanced technology, and a world where only girls became Valkyries as the protector of humanity, t...
A world where life may live [Deus...by Cladoselache
where death is a very thing that has been confiscated by the most powerful dreamers of this reality, where an unholy 'trinity' appearing as an afront to the whole natura...
Random Bookby CrimsonRiderSaga
Just a random book about me, memes, things I like, news and maybe some oneshots.
Roleplay bookby CrimsonRiderSaga
Come and Roleplay with me with anything that you like.
Just be aware this is about anime, video games and cartoons. But mainly anime.