DREAM BOOK 1 : I'M FALL INLOVE WIT...ni prtty_shrxxx
Althea is have a ability to Lucid dreaming.
Lucid Dreaming is the only way That Althea can escape from her Reality. Althea Family is broke so they eat only once in a day...
My Incomparable Figmentni pingpark
Have you ever witnessed yourself abiding living when dying is the only choice, then loved dying as if you have no life to live?
Well I have.
Dream Travellerni L E E N I E T U N E S
Do you always dream in your sleep? or do you always dream and remember every detail of it after you wake up? Because I do. Researchers say almost every human dreams seve...
Dream (COMPLETED)ni MaihVilla
"Would I trust the man that I only met in my DREAM?"
»Alely Jade Montenegro«