#1Atlantis : the antediluvian worldby gutenberg1.2K21donnellyignatiusgutenberg+3 more #2On Some Fossil Remains of Manby gutenberg26411apeshuxleybeings+5 more #3Wanderings among South Sea Savages...by gutenberg75101borneotravelwilfrid+6 more #4Journals of Expeditions of Discove...by gutenberg28101edwardjohnexploration+5 more #5Through Central Borneo; an Account...by gutenberg72301gutenbergcarlethnology+7 more #6The Door Under The Stones In The W...by EternalSilence402I just decided to upload some of my works for school that I'm proud of, starting with this one I just binge wrote yesterday night because I had been postponing it for a...researchreportguardianstribeshomework+18 more #7People of Africaby gutenberg51101gutenbergethnologyedith+1 more #8The Malay Archipelago, the land of...by gutenberg65611naturaltravelrussel+8 more #9On the Relations of Man to the Low...by gutenberg33801ethnologyhenryhuman+5 more #10Journals of Expeditions of Discove...by gutenberg25201gutenbergdiscoveryedward+5 more #11The Malay Archipelago, the land of...by gutenberg51711wallacenaturalrussel+8 more